Today could stop most of my worrying

If she can't find the heartbeat directly from bubs, she should be able to find the placenta x You'll be able to hear the HB via this, it just sounds more woosh woosh x She'll also be able to tell you if she hears any movements x I'm sure you'll get to hear something either way :) :hug: x
Oooh sorry didn't realise this was yesterday :blush: xx Hehe glad you got hear bubs chick xx
Thanks Flugel, the mw was explaining she might not find it straight away and she might need to keep moving the probe but as soon as she put it on my belly it was there, heard baby moving too :D x x

yeah! thats fab news!! so chuffed for you!! xxx
Just wanted to say well done hun! Its amazing when you reach your own little milestones... I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy :) try to enjoy it as much as you can, I had a similar experience to you so I know how scary this is for you this time round, I still have times, but we just have to have faith, lots of love and hugs x :bump:
That's fantastic M2A! So happy for you that LO is all ok and you have got past 'that' date- you have been so brave! Congrats xxx
yay... that's fab news and what a lovely midwife to come and put your mind at rest. can't be long til your next scan now can it? hope you enjoying the long weekend.. we off t a fun day and duck race with Josie today ... take care x x x
Thank you all for your lovely messages ladies :) My worrying has calmed down but its still there a little bit, i suppose it will be till I have my LO in my arms.

My next scan is on the 18th Treeze, i cant wait, ill be 16w+2. Im having a lovely long weekend, days out and days relaxing :) Hope you are having a lovely weekend too and I hope you and Josie have lots of fun today :) x x

Hey mummy2adam, you poor things what a stress youve had. I am so pleased everything is ok, Im sure you will always feel a little nervous at times, but wow what a weight to be lifted off your shoulders. This brough a tear to my eye xxxx

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