How to make up feeds

The powder may contain the bacteria, and water at 70deg or above will kill off any bacteria present in the formula.


This is why powder milk bottles need sterilising. If baby's having ready made milk, or EBM, bottles don't need sterilising after about four/five months. Xx
Ah, I always use boiled anyway. So no fuss to me lol.

I'd still sterilize the bottles every use even if I did BF.

Ladies, both.water and formula powder arent sterile hence boiling/mixing when hot. Up to you but i.wouldnt risk it in hot weather like this esp.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Yeah I have heard tht before too but I just make sure that the bottles r on a shelf of theyr own so that theyr not touching off other foods and making them warm..

You could make the bottles, leave them 30m to cool on the counter in the shade then pop them in, I tend to do that during the day but at night they go right in the fridge incase I go to bed and forget. I remember once he kept spitting the bottle out and I smelled it and it was rank and I had only made it like an hour or so before and left it on the counter and it curdled in the heat of either the kitchen or weather. I felt bad it must have been rotten!

I wouldn't worry too much how you should n shouldn't make them up, your babies have been fine. Do what suits you. My HV says dnt make up more than 3 at a time because obv they have to be drank in a time limit. The "rules" say fresh, yet my HV agreed what's easiest. Jackson has been fine for 6m and is due to be weaned so I'd say I did everything right except leaving the bottle on the counter too long, but I learned my lesson haha.

And scatty, you have two! So of course u need to save time when you can!


Wss ^^^

Do what works for you hun there are soooo many opinions out there that can confuse you!

I only pre make bottles in the eve and it'll be 1 or 2 (as one feed is normally bf overnight) and always make with freshly boiled water and put in the fridge while still hot. During the day I keep an eye on his nap times and will make one if i feel he'd ready and if he's not i'll put it in the fridge untill he wakes up.

If I am going out and T's feed is within the hour then I'll make a fresh one to drink while we are out and then buy ready made ones for any other feeds.

I do the same as chezza, mix the powder with 3oz pop it in the fridge then top up with boiling when he's ready. Quick, easy and no problem so far. He is also on comfort milk xx
Re: not putting hot stuff in the fridge...

Hot stuff should not be put in the fridge.

This is because putting hot stuff in the fridge can cause the fridge temperature to rise, and push stored foods into the "danger zone" (bacteria thriving temp, 5-63*C).

One or two little bottles shouldn't make that much difference, but that's why I make mine in the evening and leave them on the side for half hour or so. Xx
I thought it changed the temp I knew I learned that years ago in college I did cooking.. As I say I make up 3 at night. They get the shelf waaay at the top. We have an american fridge freezer with about 10 shelves so thankfully it doesn't make a dent on the temp. But mine only go straight into the fridge at night case I forget.

My brains shocking these days. I wonder if I will ever get memory back. I'm sick of postetts!

What I do is sterilise bottles, add cooled boiled water (fresh and not sitting longer than 30 mins) to the bottle. Then leave on the side. I add the formula when I need a bottle. They stay fresh with just water for 24 hours and only 2 hours AFTER formula has been added. So much easier and no hassle really.
The powder needs to be added to the water at 70deg though (30 mins after boiling) to kill the bacteria in the powder. Much easier to boil kettle, leave for 30 mins then put the water into a flask to keep it at the right temperature to kill the powder bacteria. Then when you need a bottle, pour water from flask into the bottle and add powder.
Id heard to wait half an hour after boiling as if its just boiled it kills all the vitamins/nutrients too, so wait half an hour the. It's cool enough not to kill vits but hot enough to kill bacteria in the powder
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