how to give it up??


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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dexter will be 1 year old next month and im desperate to give up breast feeding now. hes still never stayed over night at a relatives without me because he wakes so many times in the night and the only thing that will get him back to sleep is my boob lol!

hes never taken a bottle, always refused it.

obviously he can drink perfectly fine from a sippy cup, but when it comes to milk its me he wants. and he screams til i give in and give him it.

im desperate to give up, but how can i if hes not taking milk any other way??

Sorry I can't really help but could you maybe let him cry and just keep offering it from a sippy cup and in theory he will eventually give in? Everyone alway tells me when they are hungry/thirsty they will eventually just give in and take whatever's on offer?! How true that is I don't know, just what I've been told. Fingers crosses it works out for you xx
For us, I went out for a night when my daughter was about 13 months. At that point I was feeding her twice a day. Once first thing and once before bed.

That night she just went to add no problems without the feed! I was gutted lol

But I took the cue to call it quits then. I tested her in the morning and she happily went without the morning feed and that was that!

I can imagine it might be more difficult if he's relying on a feed just to get to sleep though. If you want to call it a day, just go cold turkey (assuming he's not feeding too often or it might be painful).

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
dexter will be 1 year old next month and im desperate to give up breast feeding now. hes still never stayed over night at a relatives without me because he wakes so many times in the night and the only thing that will get him back to sleep is my boob lol!

hes never taken a bottle, always refused it.

obviously he can drink perfectly fine from a sippy cup, but when it comes to milk its me he wants. and he screams til i give in and give him it.

im desperate to give up, but how can i if hes not taking milk any other way??


Watching this as I'm in the exact same situation. Eva is 9 months though but word for word the same xxxx

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Hun you can probably get enough milk into D in breakfast, yoga and cheese at his age?! Don't quote me on that but I think it is possible. When I cut my sons night feeds down at around 9/10 months I think I slept on the floor next to him but refused to get him out. I hate letting them cry but I've never successfully manage to sleep train without some tears! If you're definitely had enough of feeding maybe cut down feeds so you're not uncomfortable and offer D milk in a cup instead even if he refuses. Sorry if that's not completely helpful but not sure what else you can do xxx

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