Was Your Second Baby Early, On Time or Late?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Mums,

I have a couple of days to go of my second pregnancy. When I had my little girl, I was 10 days overdue! Just wondering if second babies are usually on time or early or (I dread) late? These last two weeks have felt like 2 months!! I am soooooooooooo uncomfortable and also looking after a lively 2 year old!!!!

Bring out the violins!!

Julia xxxxx
When I had George I was 3 days over (by hospital calculations - by my reckoning he was born on his due date), Sam was 3 days over due date.
Out of my 6 so far i had 3 on time, two were one week late and one was 2 weeks late.
Thanks for your replies, girls!

I am assuming then just because your body has given birth before, it does not make it any earlier/quicker when delivering the seond, third, fourth etc!!

Come on little one - time to see the world!!

Julia xxxxx
My 1st baby was 7 days early so I just expected the 2nd to arrive at the same time. She 11 days over when they induced me so didn't go to my plan, lol. Number 3 was also 5 days late.
Both of mine were overdue and had to be induced.

First was born 18 days overdue
Second was born 15 days overdue

so second wasn't QUITE as bad ;)
My first was 13 days over and second 2 weeks over and had to be induced. Same for my mum too, she was 2 weeks overdue with both me and my sister! I believe there is no set pattern but some people say you can have delivery times similar to your mums. It's anyones guess :?
Julia said:
I am assuming then just because your body has given birth before, it does not make it any earlier/quicker when delivering the seond, third, fourth etc!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: my first was 8 days over and my second was a week early...but it was a harder labour the second time round,
Ophelia was 2wks 6days early, I did have a sweep and the gel though as my waters broke but nothing much else happened, in the end I was in active labour for 5mins, she was fast :D lol
Sending very best wishes :hug:
Thanks for your replies!

Looks like an even mixture of early and late...oh well...will just have to wait and see! Can't believe how irritable I am getting!! I feel like I have done my "time" and now I am just being teased by mother nature!

Julia xxxxx
My MW said that if your first was early, your second is more likley to be early, but obviously no guarentees! My first was a week early and I think this one will be a bit early (hopefully not too early as that will be Christmas)
All mine were late! So Im going on the premise that this LO will be too! lol ;)
:doh: :doh: :doh: EDIT: i wrote a really long reply then i noticed tht title was for SECOND baby :doh: :doh: :doh:

so i cant answer yet!

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