1st Child - How long were you in labour?

OK 1st child was really long labour - about 30 hours from start to finish but 20 hours established. Took 2 hours of pushing but the little mite was really tangled in his cord.

2nd time it took me 14 hours to get the 3cm as she turned back to back (so so so painful) then I got in the car to go get an epidural which took 30 mins to get there and then she arrived after 14 minutes at the hospital. MW was just about to examine me for epidural and all of a sudden my body pushed involuntarily, my waters went and on the 2nd push, out she came! (And I didn't tear although DH said I must have a fanny like a bucket, cheeky sod!) BIG BIG BIG shock but nice to have it done quick.The start was so painful though and worse than with my first.

Also they never tell you that the afterpains are so much worse on the second and subsequent times. I was almost crying with pain!

Tan x
And I didn't tear although DH said I must have a fanny like a bucket, cheeky sod!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also they never tell you that the afterpains are so much worse on the second and subsequent times. I was almost crying with pain!
- that's a bit scary :(
Also they never tell you that the afterpains are so much worse on the second and subsequent times. I was almost crying with pain!
- that's a bit scary :([/quote]

Sorry didn't mean to frighten anyone! I don't think everyone gets them but mine weren't nice. That coupled with going into shock wasn't very nice cause I couldn't even hold Isabelle for ages after with the shaking and pains etc. And when I was feeding her that evening the pains were horrible too. I thought there was something wrong with me!

Tan x

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