How old and what does your baby weigh?

Just had Isla weighed today and she's only gained 6oz in the last 2 weeks. Bit disappointed as I thought she'd been feeding much better. She now weighs 10lb 11oz - was 7lb 14oz at birth so is a real slow gainer! Got to take her back again in 2 weeks so let's hope she gains better this time!
Isla is so much like Tegan with her weight gain, Tegan was 10lb 5oz at 11weeks so also very slow hope Isla gains better next time xx
Right let's try again as I posted on wrong thread lol
Charley lost loads of weight when poorly recently so I got him weighed today and he's gained 8oz's in just over a week!! Yay! He's now 16lb 10oz's and back to being my chunky monkey!! :D
had amelia weighed today at 14 weeks she is 9lb 9.5ozs so we are getting there x
Well done charley and Amelia!
Tegan has follow up hospital appointment today she'll b 22weeks thursday and is now 14lb 8oz x
Ellie was 4lb 3oz at birth then dropppede to 3lb came home at 7 weeks weighing 4lbs 5oz and she is 20 weeks now and weighs 11lb 4oz I think that my hv says that a 4oz- 6oz a week is what they look for in a gain xx
Alana was 3lb 4.5oz when she was born. She was weighed today at 9 wks and now weighs 6lb 3.5oz, getting close to twice her birth weight!
aww these babies r so tiny compared to zak. hes now 13 weeks and weighs 14lb3 ! A giant compared to most of urs lol x
I had Paige weighed last week and she now weighs 15lb 2oz! :yay: Shes slowly getting back up to her line.
Noa was 12lbs7oz 3.5weeks ago
yestterday he was 12lbs 6oz
he lost 1oz n have now dropped down under 2nd centiline he was born on 25th
friday i have to do the walk of shame n tell them. i gave him formula last night n he slept trough for the first time
Another small one, had Benjamin weighed to day hes now 8lb and 8 weeks old. Claire-24; Benjamin was 4lb 3oz at birth as-well. Bless them xxx
aw was he their tootsie eh but Ellie droppped to 3lb she was just the smallest tiny poor thing xx
awww bless her, its amazing what they do in neonatal isnt it, some of the babies in there were 1lb, its just such a shame. But when they come out the other side its amazing xxxx
yeah neonatal staff are fab but the things you see your baby going through are not natural. and when I got the call on her 3rd day to come from the ward to neonatal as she had stopped breathing was just the worst time, but they manage to sort things out and after 7 weeks we got home and she is doing ok now xx
He's 7 weeks and weighs 11lb 9oz. He weighed 8lb 14oz at birth :)
just had Ellie weighed and she has lost 4oz in the last week so is now back down to 11lb 5oz xx
God yes i know what you mean, and the staff are brilliant!!! Claire, do you breast feed or bottle, Bens on nutriprem, but i dont think its agreeing with so gonna ring the HV. Thats a shame she has lost weight, but I'm sure she will gain it again over the coming weeks chickxxxxx
Just read your other post hun in feeding section, totally agree xxx
aw don don its so hard I have to formula feed as you read in my rant lol what weight is your wee one and was Ben a prem xx
hey, yes he was seven weeks early, a right shock when my waters went at 32 weeks! He was 4lb3oz went down to 3lb 10 and hes now 7lb 8oz.So doing well. xxxxx

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