How often do you get EWCM


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Not long to go now until crimbo is upon us and most importantly, time off of work. Wahooo!

I wondered how often everyone gets ewcm? If it's just at OV or throughout the month. This is the first month I've really noticed it and tbh - tmi alert - sometimes I wonder if it is remnants of doing the dirty the night before with OH. I haven't been tracking OV this month, but last month OV around day 18/19 and the witch paid me a visit on day 34.

This month I think I've had it on CD's 14, maybe 15, 18 and today 23. Today's had a really small white bit in it *boke* tmi sorry!:roll:

Hey LauraAnne,

Im not really to sure how often I get it to be honest.. Its only this month i have started taking notice of my CM and so far I have not had EWCM.. just really thick clogs of CM that breaks easy..
Im not really to well up on what the differant types of CM mean either so sorry im not really much help!
Hey LauraAnne

Yay for Christmas time, cannot wait to finish on Wednesday until after the new year woo hoo :)

I have it every month as OH normally says something, in a nice way though & tbh never thought anything of it until this month after researching etc

I have it for about 3 days just before OV then it goes watery & then drys up right up to AF, well apart from this cycle cos instead of drying up it's been really cloudy & goes from being thick to watery & a hell of alot of it!!!

Thanks Louize and Kezza for replying. Am not really sure, my body is confusing me this month! Although I've never really understood it! :) X
I think we start getting to know what's going on then something comes along & throws it all off track.....pfft!!!

Hey lauraanne!
Can't wait for all the fun that christmas brings! Going to stuff my face with lovely food and be lazy.

As for ewcm, this is the first month I have noticed it as don't really look, I had some on sat then got positive opk today so guess its a couple of days before.

The more time I spend on pf the more of these things I've noticed, pf has really educated me

Good luck for this month!
Thanks, I agree! I don't think I really thought about what it is until this month! Still not sure what today was but will try to bd for good measure! lol. Our heatings broken so good excuse to snuggle up lol.

Roll on christmas ;-)

hey lauraAnne, yep i agree with the others. since starting to ttc back in june i haven't been tracking it but i am now aware of the fact that a few days before ov i get it and also at that time generally feel more horney which is all part of it i think? dont really notice it too much during the rest of the month though xx
Thanks positivity :) maybe some of the times it wasn't what I thought it was. That's most likely lol! xxxx
I got loads last cycle and varied amounts too. I wasn't using opks then either. Now THIS cycle I've had nothing but I've not been checking because we've been BDing every night this cycle and I think I'd get confused with the swimmers! x x
Cheers Miss J. Me too! Rather grim isn't it?! I had a google and some girls get it throughout cycle according to some websites (not sure how accurate they are lol), so think it's nothing to get excited about anyway. Although, of course, I'm currently in week 1 of the 2ww which is always feel with misguided hope! Wait til Monday, I'll be back down to earth in no time!

Hope you're well chick.

Yup, bit of a pain in the rear as I start panicking that I can't see any EWCM and begin thinking there's something wrong etc etc and Google only adds to my tizz lol! :rolleyes:

I hope you get a nice bump though. ;)

I'm very good thank you, how about you?

x x
Glad you're good. I'm alright thanks mrs :) Looking forward to Christmas!! Only symptom this month is very nauseous but I think I'm clutching at straws! lol. xxxx
Oh me too, I'm pretty excited for Christmas, mostly because it will be just me and hubby - well, in the evening anyways - and I can't wait to crack open the tin of Quality Street that's been calling my name. ;)

Nausea...Hmmm...There's always a possibility hun! I'm :pompom: for you. :D x x
apparently left over 'man juice' can give the same consistency the morning after as EWCM.

I don't think I've seen it, or if I have it's very rare. But I do find that I have LOADS of 'gloop' in the week running up to ovulation. OH will also comment on how it makes s*x more pleasurable for him at that time - he loves that part of symptom spotting and will very proudly tell me what differences he sees!!!
Didnt really get any EWCM - maybe about 4 days bafore OV I got a tiny bit in my knickers but not inside if you know what I mean? I was however extremely horny!! Nature's way lol

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