How much weight have you gained?

I read somewhere that we should expect to put on about 10-15lb in Tri 1 and 1lb every week thereafter. So 2 and a half stone is well under the 3 stone mark expected.

I guess it depends on your starting weight and height etc, but my mantra is that "weight gain helps minimise stretch marks" (which is true) so I'm eating away! :D

I've put on 3 stone so far AND I have stretch marks!! NOT FAIR! I am slightly panicking at how much I've put on but I am eating sensibly so I guess it's just the way I am supposed to be. Going to get my butt down the gym in 6 weeks time...
Well I got weighed this morning. I Have put a stone and a half on. But that doesn't include what I lost in tri1 with sickness. My theory is that was most probably fluid so it doesn't count. Ha ha
ive put on a stone and a half, i thought it would be waaaay more because of all the sweet pastries ive been eating!! lol!

very strange that i haven't got stretch marks, i was on a medication a few years ago that made me put on a ton of weight, and i had stretch marks everywhere! lost it all, now im surprised i havent got any stretch marks, maybe my skin is already really stretched from that time! lol
I've put on 1 stone 3 pounds and I'm all bump. x
33 weeks tommorow, just weighed myself & checked my booking in weight I've gain just 6lbs.
I was very over weight (carrying from first pregnancy) and had started slimming world a month before my bfp so I've continued slimming world with a few bad days when away / overnight hospital stays etc.
Pretty damn please that I haven't gained 3 stone like I did by this point with my first son!!
33 weeks tommorow, just weighed myself & checked my booking in weight I've gain just 6lbs.
I was very over weight (carrying from first pregnancy) and had started slimming world a month before my bfp so I've continued slimming world with a few bad days when away / overnight hospital stays etc.
Pretty damn please that I haven't gained 3 stone like I did by this point with my first son!!

Wow, that's brilliant!! Well done hun!! Xxx
im a chubba anyway and for my health i cant really put on too much. thankfully ive only put on around 5 pound and my bump is bloody massive.... maybe my scales are just trying to make me happy lol.
33 weeks tommorow, just weighed myself & checked my booking in weight I've gain just 6lbs.
I was very over weight (carrying from first pregnancy) and had started slimming world a month before my bfp so I've continued slimming world with a few bad days when away / overnight hospital stays etc.
Pretty damn please that I haven't gained 3 stone like I did by this point with my first son!!

Wow, that's brilliant!! Well done hun!! Xxx

Thanks hun, i've got my fingers crossed i can keep this up for rest of pregnancy and then really kick start my health programme when baby is born as i want to be a super fit and healthy mummy to both my boys. I dont want to be this 'large lady' anymore :-) x
I weighed myself for the 1st time in ages today and have put on 2 stone! Really should stay off those peanut butter kit kats! Still 9 weeks of weight gain to go, but I'm still in size 10 clothes, just maternity 10, so not feeling too bad about it! :)

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had to be weighed two weeks ago and since the start of december where i would of been just under 3 months ive put on 13lbs .. im surprised cause ive eaten a RAKE of ice cream. But i was big enuf before pregnancy i didnt need too much extra :) x
OK so voer the weekend i caved and ive gone from 7st pre pregnancy to nearly 9.5 stone, made me feel a bit better about myself x

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