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How much weight have you gained????

muppetmummy said:
abcd1234 said:
OMG you're all scaring me :shock: I dont wanna put weight on!!! PLZ somehow stop him growing!!!!!

normally spend most of my life on diets so enjoy having a few months off in pregnancy a bit too much!

And why the hell not! :cheer: :cheer:
I'm 12 stone now but I don't know what I was before exactly - I THINK about 10 and a half.

I just had my MW appointment today and she was saying I had a good quantity of fluid, I reckon that has to be alot of the weight in there.
Well I have made a point of NOT weighing myself, not that I did very often even before I was preg, but it seems silly to worry about it at the moment. As long as you are getting all you and bubs need nutritionally who cares? Its only a few months of your life, plenty of time to worry about diets later I reckon!!

Now wheres the cake................ :D
I've gained 7lb so far from my booking weight but lost about 5lbs in early pregnancy so from my lightest pregnancy weight I have gained about 1 stone I reckon. Think I read somewhere that by week 30 you will have gained half of your total weight so I can expect to gain another stone before I pop! Looking forward to unpacking my running trainers again, the weight doesn;t bother me as much as the feeling that I'm powerless to do anything about it until baby is 6 weeks old- bit of a control freak y'see!
Ive gained 2 and half stone so far but its finally sunk in IM PREGNANT not FAT!! I wasnt eating so well before xmas and I also stopped smoking and havent walked nearly half as much as I used to so this accounts for some of that. Ive been eating really healthily for the past 4 weeks though and excercising but Im still putting on weight so I know its the baby and nothing to worry about :D I know when Ive had the baby Il be back to my skinny self again in no time :cheer: :cheer:
clarey said:
Well I have made a point of NOT weighing myself, not that I did very often even before I was preg

I'm the same, we don't have scales anyway and I don't get weighed at my Midwife appointments either. Last time I was weighed was at my 12 week scan and I think I'd put on about a stone at that point :oops:
My Mum and Sister are obsessed with my weight though, they're more concerned about how I'm going to lose my baby weight than how I'm going to cope with baby after she is born.
Before I became pregnant I was 15 and 1/2 stone I went on the scales yesterday and I'm nearly 18 stone so not really sure whats me or the baby! :wall:
I didn't get weighed today at my midwife appointment! :cheer: :cheer:
She could probably tell I've been at the maltesers a few times too many and the weight wasn't all baby :lol:
I've put on just over 1 stone when i got weighed at Chrimbo.
I've put on 9lb upto now, but i've got 13 weeks left so hopefully i'll put more on as i'm worried i'm not putting enough on
Pregnancy weight gain estimator results

Uterus 0.8 lb
Breasts 0.3 lb
Blood 1.0 lbs
Water 1.4 lbs
Fat 2.8 lbs
Subtotal 6.3 lbs

Your baby:
Fetus 7.5 lbs
Placenta 0.5 lb
Amniotic Fluid 0.7 lb
Subtotal 8.7 lbs

Total 1 st 1.0 lbs


I forgot to add the extra stone I put on is for breast milk thats my story and I'm sticking to it!!!
Uterus 2.8 lbs
Breasts 1.2 lbs
Blood 3.6 lbs
Water 4.9 lbs
Fat 9.7 lbs
Subtotal 1 st 8.3 lbs
Your baby:
Fetus 7.5 lbs
Placenta 1.9 lbs
Amniotic Fluid 2.3 lbs
Subtotal 11.7 lbs
Total 2 st 6.0 lbs
Uterus 0.8 lb
Breasts 0.3 lb
Blood 1.0 lbs
Water 1.4 lbs
Fat 2.8 lbs
Subtotal 6.3 lbs

Your baby:
Fetus 7.5 lbs
Placenta 0.5 lb
Amniotic Fluid 0.7 lb
Subtotal 8.7 lbs
Total 1 st 1.0 lbs

erm....... 1st 1lb???
double that hehehe

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Masses and masses of weight.

I am 28+ 4 and I have gained 2 and a half stone :oops: . I gained nothing (perhaps a poud or so) during my first trimester, so all my weight was in second tri.

Bizarrely though, I am still wearing the same size 10 maternity clothes that I bought when I was 12 - 13 wks pregnant. Some have tightened a bit, but not much.

I am now measuring 5 cms bigger though, and off for a growth scan as mw thinks am having extra big baby :shock: .
ive put on a stone exactly and im 38 weeks on sunday. But i weighed too much to begin with!

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