How much weight has everyone put on?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2011
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i'm 30+4 and have put on exactly 1 stone :)
I've put on 2 stone!! I'm quite impressed with that xx
I put on 2 stone 9 pounds :roll:

Now I've got to try to lose it all :shock:
You will get there Jodie!! You have lost 4 pounds already! xx
I lost half a stone to start with though through sickness, so I suppose if you take that into account I've actuallyput on 1 &1/2 stone..since 20wks!!
2 and half stone so far with just less than 6 weeks to go with my other 2 I put on just over 3 stone but its all belly n boobs not put weight on anywhere else x
I've put on 1st 3lbs with 3 weeks to go! Well chuffed with that! :) x
I have no idea and I'm refusing to even go and look.. I would be crying if I did. I've put on weight everywhere though, so i'm guessing about 100 stone.. haha.
Haven't checked atall, will need to weigh myself later :)

I only know what I weighed at 12 weeks but I think I had lost weight from the sickness at that point!

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Couldn't tell you hahaha, never been weighted, didn't no to start with either x
haha just being nosy!! I told my son this mornnig I'd put on exactly a stone and he said' is that what the baby weighs then? I told him I really hope not!!
I'd actually like to know, I can't remember if mw weighted me at first app or not but I've never been weighted at any apps since, I'll av to ask her when I next see her x x
Well I've put on 6lb from my original weight that I got weighed at the booking in appointment to now! But I did lose 10lbs at the start so in therory I've gained 1st and 2lbs.. Eeek with just over 11wks to go!
Wow Kelly, that's hardly anything, you must be tiny! Sounds like you had it pretty rough at the start too..thank god those days are behind us!
I've only ever been weighed once, which was at my booking in appointment. I just thought they didn't bother anymore as everyone is different. I'm glad about this coz I really don't want to know. With my first they weighed me every bloody time I went in - it was horrible and the midwife wasn't very nice, she make stupid comments like - oh your not suppose to be eating for two etc . bitch. lol Anyway that was 12 years ago though.
Mine weighed me at my 30wk check, and then i did myself this moning, but my scales showed 1ib more than hers. Sounds like your midwife back then was horrible!!
I haven't looked for a week or so but at last check I'd put on 15lbs, quite happy with that x
ive not checked my weight at all and im not planning on it either x

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