How much weight has everyone put on?

I've put on 1 stone & 1 pound in total so far. I gained about 2 stone with my first & when I got home 3 days after having him was chuffed to find I weighed my pre-pregnancy weight. So didn't have a thing to lose.
I think I'll weigh less than I did before I got pregnant this time, but was a bit overweight to start with, so that would be good!!

Sunnyb xxx
I have gained 2 stone now - at 32+3, hoping I'm not going to gain much more! It's all gone on belly and bum nowhere else. lol I feel like a weeble :( :(

i'm 33 + 6 and have put on a stone and half... not too bad? xxx
didnt put that much thanks and jeans are quiet same size..haven't moved sizes.. Just the belly am loosing after the birth..
Wow Kelly, that's hardly anything, you must be tiny! Sounds like you had it pretty rough at the start too..thank god those days are behind us!

Well its not much from my original pre-pregnancy weight but like I said I lost 10lbs so I've gained that again and more! So 16lbs in total! I never had any sickness or anything in Tri 1 so don't know why I lost weight (MW recons it grom having my implant removed and falling pregnant within 2weeks of having it removed and my body just balancing itself out!). I wouldn't say I'm tiny got fair sized bump but thankfully its just bump haven't put on any weight any wear else!! (I hope) xx
well great you haven't put much on anyway ;) I'm hoping I don't put too much more on, so far it's just boobs & bump and I want it to stay that way!!
2 Stone for me.....the size of my thighs I am sure it's more than that tho lol
Well i was 10st 6 when i fell pregnant,then dropped to 10st by around the 3mth mark cos of sickness, im now exactly 11st so i dont know if you'd say ive gained 8lb or a stone?
I'm 29 + 4 and have gained a stone and half - scared by how much more I could put on in the remaining weeks!
At my 28week appointment I had only put on 3/4 of a stone, I haven't checked since an that was 8 weeks ago... However I feel like I've definitely put on that again by now at least... Feel like my face and arms have defo got fatter. Il weigh again next thurs at midwife, i don't own scales!! Xxx

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