How much have you spent today thread

Spent £25 in Sainsbugs last night, nothing today so far and planning on going straight home from work so should be a zero spend day :)

Oh pap forgot the £2 on fruit salad from Morrisons
£1.40 in Greggs on some fresh bread and a fiver in Tesco. I had a £3.50 off voucher that had to be used by tomorrow so I purposefully made myself go out and spend :shock:

Well well well ... The sun was shining so thought we go for a walk. 45 mins later £50 spent- includes
£10 on 2 bottles of wine as hubby finally has a day off tomorrow
£20 for my nephews birthday
£4 on lottery
£16 on a chicken, dog treats and veg for tonight


Nothing today!

£35 on a Cath Kidston handbag - I really need to get my addiction under control!
£48 on petrol
£15 on an Indian takeaway that made me very ill!
Eeek car needs a new windscreen £401 pound + vat ouch :( bloody men the wiper blade has scored the window we are waiting to see if the insurance will pay but I don't think they will grrrrrr

So Please ladies check you window blades are working correctly and are in good condition. I know I shall be checking both our cars now men are useless lol
Woo hoo I got through the day without spending any money!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Ended up spending £1.40 in the corner shop as we'd ran out of squash
£25 on curling wand for my mop Aldi baby event starts today so calling in later so depending on what they have in I may spend a lot or a little
£7 on food scales in Argos
£20 in Morrisons

£5 on a hot chocolate for me and my Mum and 80p on a scoop of ice cream lol xx

Tapping ;) x
£20 quid wow we pay £7 per month once a month, guess they charge whatever they fancy but £20 is a bit steep
£2.55 of a bacon and sos sarnie.

Didn't make it to Aldi last night as MW was late arriving and didn't leave until gone 6pm
What is wrong with me???

£5 in Superdrug
£10 in M&S
£20 in Sainsbury's

None of it was essential - in-fact all I really needed was rocket for tonight's salad :shock: :shock: :shock:

£6.69 in post office
£56p in Co-op (ran out of milk!)

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