how much does your 1 year old eat?

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i think katie may eat too much :oops: breakfast she has a full bowl of porridge - i make it from the sachets, even i struggle to eat a whole one!! lunch its normally breadsticks/ricecakes with ham and cucumber, then tea is usually whatever we've had the night before, but huge, huge portions!! yesterday it was cauliflower cheese and i swear it was 4 huge florets with 2 potatoes mixed in too!!

and she has 8oz of milk morning and night too!
Sounds similar to my fatty.....except I stopped getting the sachets as they didnt have enough in them for her....and she likes a bit of toast too....
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:rofl: katie's partial to a bit of toast with hers too! i swear her stomach capacity keeps increasing tho, when i first moved back in here she'd have like 1/2 a sachet or a slice of toast!!
Niamh is a bit different as feeding is tricky so she has at least 5 8oz bottles of milk a day.
Breakfast-4-5 spoonfuls of porridge (if we are lucky!) snacks (morning and afternoon)-banana, cheese, biscuit, crisps, lunch-small jar of puree,2 petit felous, strawberries/pineapple, tea-jar of puree, soft cooked vegetables, 2 petit felous.
I thinkk Niamh still gets most of her calories from her milk, but even though food is tricky for her she still weighs over 23lb! so she's no skinny rib!!
Oliver has porridge for breakfast, toast mid morning, then he'll have maybe a cheese sandwich, a sausage roll, a couple of crisps, some fruit and a yoghurt for lunch. He'll have a biscuit mid afternoon, then whatever we have for tea. He easily eats a plateful. Followed by yoghurt (plain greek) for pud. As well as all that, he has a breastfeed morning and night!!! Now thats piggy. :roll:
sounds very similar to miss maddilynne! we have porridge and toast for breakfast, and perhaps some fruit, lunch is normally veggie's and pasta, yoghurt and some finger food, then dinner something like cottage pie and then fruit,. during the day she'll have a snack or a pick of what i'm having, like a biscuit x
Amelia eats a lot too i have been worrying about it recently.

Breakfast she has a bowl of readybrek or weetabix (mushed up), sometimes she is still hungry so she has a banana or yoghurt after.

mid morning bottle 5oz

lunch she has a round of sandwiches (2 slices of bread) and then fruit, dried fruit and baby crisps.

afternoon bottle 5oz and sometimes a baby biscuit

then dinner she has pasta/ baby pizza's anything really that we have, she has a yoghurt or fruit puree (she likes to do this herself now) maybe a jelly, grapes and a bit of my dinner.

then 8oz bottle for bed!
When N. was that age she had 3 x 7oz bottles,good portion sized bowl of porridge,proper lunch was equivilent to 1 big jar 200grams) and a dessert,like yoghurt or rice pudding etc and then dinner was whatever we had (soup,main course meal and fruit)
we dont have bread sticks and sandwiches for meals,it's just for snack time.
She never over eats,she just eats a variety of foods and enough of it.

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