complete loss of appetite?

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i'm starting to get a little worried about katie's eating! she's alway been big, big eater, she'd eat the same size portions as me of everything, but the last week or so, getting food inside her's just been a nightmare!

she wants to feed herself constantly, or have someone else load up her fork for her, but not mummy :wall: my sister's been hving the feed her her tea, cos she wont take the fork off me anymore, and tonight, daddy was round and he had to do the fork loading business cos she wouldnt take it off me!

her normal daily food routine was

breakfast: as much milk as would fit in the bottle. 2 slices of toast/big bowl of cereal

lunch: breadsticks/rice cake, meat of some kind, cucumber or a sandwich and cucumber

tea: huge portion of whatever we'd had the night before, yoghurt, fruit

bedtime: as much milk as fits int he bottle

but now i'm struggling to get 4oz of milk down her, i've swapped from bottles to cups this week, so it oculd be that, but tonight, she had a bottle, cos she was really crabby, and she still only had like 4oz! breakfast i cant get 1/2 slice of toast down her, lunch she'l eat quarter of a sandwich if i'm lucky, and tea's just a nightmare!!

she has always been a really big girl, and she was really active before having her operation, so i knew her eating would get less, but i've been really shocked by how little she's eating!! she is looking thinner, but thats par for the course cos she's losing muscle tone and stuff!

from experience does anyone know if its just a phase, and at what point should i reall start to worry about it? she is generally healthy otherwise, just wont eat!!
My eldest was always a good eater so i have no personal experience but my friends little girl would hardly eat anything. The doc told my friend that a child won't starve him/herself and not to worry too much as long as they are drinking plenty xx
My guess is she's going through a control phase, she's pushing your boundaries with her. They all do that and mine all did the picky eating after a year. Katie has been the best and most consistent eater but even she's had her wobbles too :)
so is it one of those thing where you've got to ride it out and try not to shout, cos thats what they're after? it would be so much simpler if she could go in a highchair!!
Yep the less fuss you make the better, I need to listen to my own advice :rofl:

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