how much do you normally express?

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hi everyone i am ret to work soon and i express frequently and give my son ebm at least once a day as he can be fussy on my breast so i always have a supply ready just in case, anyway how much do you normally manage to express in one go.
I used to express about 120ml/4oz quite easily but now i am struggling to get 60ml in one go
and i dont know the rules of adding ebm if i express later on can i add the milk to the prev milk together to make one feed?
also how much does anyone else manage to express as i think 60ml is not a lot really for one go
Hi Mrs h

When I express I only really get about 1oz 1/2 at a time after a feed, I put it in the fridge and top it up throughout the day ( the stick it in the freezer in the evening). So yes it is ok to add milk to breastmilk that is has been expressed previously.

Also you can add the EBM that has been in the fridge to frozen and frozen EBM you have been saving and put it back in the freezer ( but it is important that the EMB has been in the fridge to ensure it is cool enough so that it doesn't defrost some of the frozen EBM).

hope that helps and make sense :D
I am struggling to express 1 and a half oz at the moment. It doesn't help that I really dislike expressing though.

As xSuzx said it is fine to add milk; if you are storing it you just need to make sure you put the date/time of the first lot of milk you expressed. :D
how many oz or ml would you consider a feed?
I have been trying to get 120ml for a feed and judah is 8 weeks old but i dont know if this is too much or little.
If i am storing ebm in the fridge how long can i store it for.i have looked on the internet but everyone says different times.
It depends on the individual baby but I would say 4oz is a normal feed for an 8 week old!

It's best to store in no more than 4oz pouches anyway.
Check out this link; I found it really useful :D

I personally wouldn't store milk in the fridge ast 48 hrs and 3 months in the freezer. hth :D
I have just returned to work and am expressing off 2 feeds for Ellie for the following day at work. First day back I got off 4oz and 3oz for the 2 feeds. Yesterday I got off 6oz and 3oz. I made the mistake of not keeping up a regular bottle with Ellie so she doesn't feed fantastically from the bottle. The first day in nursery she had 1.5oz and 3.5oz. The next day she had 3oz at both feeds. Hope this helps.

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