How much do you get for child benefit?

I think the bigger issue is that SMP is so shockingly bad and the effect it has on many people. My mat pay is ok for 6 weeks then its SMP so I'm having to save like crazy just so the bills are paid when I do go off. Catch 22 then how long I can take off based on going back against the cost of nursery fees. Its definitely something that needs looking into.

Also, I agree that having a child is a choice as is the number you have (well apart from surprise multiples that is) however, we waited and waited until we started to ttc so we had incomes that we thought could support a baby. We didn't rush into it but we will still struggle and child benefit will help even though we'd be classed as middle earners.
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I must be misunderstanding means testing then!!! Will do my research before posting; I assumed you are tested on current income and benefits are calculated that way. xx
I don't know what your mat package is like, I would talk to HR and find out if you can change your return to work date. depending on if they are getting cover in they might be able to. My mat package means I'm ok for 6 months but then on SMP alone for 3 months before getting nothing after that so I'm going back to work at 6 months and DH is going to take pat leave and get my SMP for a couple of months. He's entitled to take what I don't use. worth an ask if it might be an option for you or mean you are better off.xx

Thanks for the advice hon; I will look into it with them - I'm hoping they will let me back after 6 months. Just feel deflated at the moment like we have no option or help. My MAT package is actually very good, it's just once I am on SMP and OH being out of work makes us a liability with bills :shock:

BTW I am not offended by anyone's opinion, I just think maybe some things have been misunderstood. My mum was on benefits as a single parent and she struggled so I do not have this misconception that it's breezy however even she said it was not financially viable for her to work. Whenever she tried to work her benefits would be taken away completely meaning she had no way of supporting her kids. It was her choice to have children with my father...his choice to walk away from his responsibility.

Im lucky that I have a good mat package, its a shame that people do need to live on only SMP and partners wages really - I assumed if you worked your work provided a package for you but obviously Ive learned not always the case.. I feel for you who are rushed back early - its not fair.

Do you get to go back partime cosmic or needing to go fulltime?

I wish money was free sometimes..

Nope, I'm having to go back full time after 4 months because I can't afford to stay off any longer. I have managed to save enough to stay off for 4 months then it's back to work for me x
I don't know what your mat package is like, I would talk to HR and find out if you can change your return to work date. depending on if they are getting cover in they might be able to. My mat package means I'm ok for 6 months but then on SMP alone for 3 months before getting nothing after that so I'm going back to work at 6 months and DH is going to take pat leave and get my SMP for a couple of months. He's entitled to take what I don't use. worth an ask if it might be an option for you or mean you are better off.xx

Thanks for the advice hon; I will look into it with them - I'm hoping they will let me back after 6 months. Just feel deflated at the moment like we have no option or help. My MAT package is actually very good, it's just once I am on SMP and OH being out of work makes us a liability with bills :shock:


hopefully that will work out better for you. My mat package is good but the same as you leaves us with a drop if i go to SMP at 6 months, i earn more than DH and he's keen to have time off with baby so we've worked out its more affordable for him to take some of SMP (he won't take the full 3 months though) and I'll take some annual leave after that (might as well use it up rather than pay for childcare). If they let you go back at 6 months, he could get 3 months SMP and you could be earning full wage again.
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Im lucky that I have a good mat package, its a shame that people do need to live on only SMP and partners wages really - I assumed if you worked your work provided a package for you but obviously Ive learned not always the case.. I feel for you who are rushed back early - its not fair.

Do you get to go back partime cosmic or needing to go fulltime?

I wish money was free sometimes..

Nope, I'm having to go back full time after 4 months because I can't afford to stay off any longer. I have managed to save enough to stay off for 4 months then it's back to work for me x

:( It's such a shame x
I dont know what I would do without my child benefit it pays for all Ruby's milk ad nappies Etc am struggling so much on SMP pay its not even half of my full time wage . Due to child are cost I can only afford to go bk to work 3 days a week by the time I have paid these fees I will only be about 40 a month better off . It's a joke the government does nothing to help Woking mums xxx

Im lucky that I have a good mat package, its a shame that people do need to live on only SMP and partners wages really - I assumed if you worked your work provided a package for you but obviously Ive learned not always the case.. I feel for you who are rushed back early - its not fair.

Do you get to go back partime cosmic or needing to go fulltime?

I wish money was free sometimes..

Nope, I'm having to go back full time after 4 months because I can't afford to stay off any longer. I have managed to save enough to stay off for 4 months then it's back to work for me x

Fuck sake, and has that what youv always had to do ?

I mean, since you have 4 kids or is this a new job? xxx
Im lucky that I have a good mat package, its a shame that people do need to live on only SMP and partners wages really - I assumed if you worked your work provided a package for you but obviously Ive learned not always the case.. I feel for you who are rushed back early - its not fair.

Do you get to go back partime cosmic or needing to go fulltime?

I wish money was free sometimes..

Nope, I'm having to go back full time after 4 months because I can't afford to stay off any longer. I have managed to save enough to stay off for 4 months then it's back to work for me x

Fuck sake, and has that what youv always had to do ?

I mean, since you have 4 kids or is this a new job? xxx

I had my first son between college and uni so I was more or less living on student loans but had no real outgoings as I lived at home mostly.
With my second I was just finishing uni and was married to someone with a good wage do I was a kept woman lol
With the twins I had to come back to work at 4 months - same situation as now (I got divorced when my now 10 year old was 1).
So yeah for the twins and this child I am the main breadwinner and can't afford to stay at home as SMP won't cut it.
It is sad but unfortunately lots of people have to choose between family and career x
I have to go back after 6 months too, I have had to save 4 weeks hol, got full pay for 6 weeks and half pay for the rest, gotta go back before its just smp. I can't really afford to go down to half pay but it's my baby and I have to have some time to see him grow up :( xx

So why should people who just can't be bothered to get a job be entitled to it? Earners pay taxes to provide for the lazy arses , why is that fair????
I have worked all my life and paid more than enough into the system, so I feel I'm entitled and won't feel guilty about receiving it! X

Because their children don't choose for their parents to be lazy..

This has been an interesting thread and it's a shame that parts of it have deteriorated into argument rather than debate. I'm sure there have been rude comments elsewhere about people who claim benefits, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Personally, I don't think high or middle earners should receive housing or any benefit. It should all be means tested. It's not needed and just makes one more thing we have to pay for. This country is in trouble: we have too few people paying for too many. This is not a criticism of people who need help, or in fact of anyone receiving benefits, just a statement of the fact that there are less and less people working and paying tax, supporting a larger population than ever before. This trend is likely to continue and we are seeing another manifestation of the problem in the pension crisis.

I have sympathy with people who will struggle on SMP, but if SMP is not enough, the answer isn't to top up through child benefit, it's to address the problem by increasing SMP. Or much better, for employers to prioritise maternity pay as a benefit, in the same way some offer private health care schemes. I appreciate, however, this is problematic for smaller businesses.

We all make our choices in life. Having children is a choice and not a right. Having a house with a big mortgage is a choice and while it's not easily changed, it is possible to downsize or move to a cheaper area in most cases. There are often compelling reasons why people don't want to do so, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should subsidise that choice. If a woman is the breadwinner, there is the option now of her partner taking a proportion of the parental leave and receiving SMP.

I don't agree with the "higher earners put in the most, so they should get something back" argument. We all get something back from the taxes we pay: we use the NHS, we have our rubbish collected, we have an army to defend us. More than that we get to be part of a society where (mostly, unless the system has failed) people don't have to beg on the streets and children can eat. If we want a society like that, some people have to pay for the rest, it's the only way it has a chance of working.

I agree x
So why should people who just can't be bothered to get a job be entitled to it? Earners pay taxes to provide for the lazy arses , why is that fair????
I have worked all my life and paid more than enough into the system, so I feel I'm entitled and won't feel guilty about receiving it! X

Because their children don't choose for their parents to be lazy..

This has been an interesting thread and it's a shame that parts of it have deteriorated into argument rather than debate. I'm sure there have been rude comments elsewhere about people who claim benefits, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Personally, I don't think high or middle earners should receive housing or any benefit. It should all be means tested. It's not needed and just makes one more thing we have to pay for. This country is in trouble: we have too few people paying for too many. This is not a criticism of people who need help, or in fact of anyone receiving benefits, just a statement of the fact that there are less and less people working and paying tax, supporting a larger population than ever before. This trend is likely to continue and we are seeing another manifestation of the problem in the pension crisis.

I have sympathy with people who will struggle on SMP, but if SMP is not enough, the answer isn't to top up through child benefit, it's to address the problem by increasing SMP. Or much better, for employers to prioritise maternity pay as a benefit, in the same way some offer private health care schemes. I appreciate, however, this is problematic for smaller businesses.

We all make our choices in life. Having children is a choice and not a right. Having a house with a big mortgage is a choice and while it's not easily changed, it is possible to downsize or move to a cheaper area in most cases. There are often compelling reasons why people don't want to do so, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should subsidise that choice. If a woman is the breadwinner, there is the option now of her partner taking a proportion of the parental leave and receiving SMP.

I don't agree with the "higher earners put in the most, so they should get something back" argument. We all get something back from the taxes we pay: we use the NHS, we have our rubbish collected, we have an army to defend us. More than that we get to be part of a society where (mostly, unless the system has failed) people don't have to beg on the streets and children can eat. If we want a society like that, some people have to pay for the rest, it's the only way it has a chance of working.

I agree x

So that's exactly the same as the child doesn't choose if the parent is a low,middle or high earner!! The money is meant for the child, not the parent !

We would be classed as mid earners I think, but have really struggled money wise since having LO.
Our mortgage isn't massive and we don't have huge outgoings, but the strain a baby puts on your finances is unbelieveable. That £80 per month has paid for forumla, nappies and some clothing for my LO.
I was able to save enough money to take a year off work (I also did about 10 days work for my company whilst on maternity leave to be able to afford to stay off work for the year).
I don't think it's fair to say that mid or high earners should not be able to claim child benefit. Their children are just as entitled to it as low earners children.
Those people who have said that mid and high earners should no be entitled to claim, are you or will you be claiming child benefit if you are high or mid earners??
I think it is awful that women cannot at least take 9 months off to raise their children because they cannot afford to work.
SMP needs looking at - £133 per week is not enough for anyone to live off.
We would be classed as mid earners I think, but have really struggled money wise since having LO.
Our mortgage isn't massive and we don't have huge outgoings, but the strain a baby puts on your finances is unbelieveable. That £80 per month has paid for forumla, nappies and some clothing for my LO.
I was able to save enough money to take a year off work (I also did about 10 days work for my company whilst on maternity leave to be able to afford to stay off work for the year).
I don't think it's fair to say that mid or high earners should not be able to claim child benefit. Their children are just as entitled to it as low earners children.
Those people who have said that mid and high earners should no be entitled to claim, are you or will you be claiming child benefit if you are high or mid earners??
I think it is awful that women cannot at least take 9 months off to raise their children because they cannot afford to work.
SMP needs looking at - £133 per week is not enough for anyone to live off.

I agree xx

I agree that SMP is a joke, I have worked since the age of 16, paid all my taxes and never been out of work and will struggle living on SMP as my husband is on a low salary. I understand why single mothers are better off not working as they end up losing money by working because of childcare costs and I think it's a real shame that the government doesn't help working mothers more instead of giving benefits to the lazy so and sos who choose not to work. x
Just read through this entire thread – can see both sides to what people are trying to say but like a couple of other people have mentioned the point has been missed it seems. This money is for our children and I really do not understand why there has been an argument about it. Yes people on very very high incomes may not ‘need’ it however that is a problem with the ‘system’ that none of us can change unfortunately. Why are we not means tested? Personally my baby will need that £80 just to be clothed, watered and fed seeing as my circumstances have now changed.

I’m not judging anyone else or taking sides but so people can see a real example of why I ‘need’ child benefit I listed my financial situation below. My OH has been told he will be made redundant come December. This has come at the worse time because this is when my full time MAT pay will be reduced to SMP (£133? A week). We were hoping to survive on OH wage whilst I was on SMP but he won’t have that now. As family tax credits etc are based on the last financial year I will technically be in financial hardship and will not be entitled to anything.

Forgetting the overall amount and looking at the maths I am up shit creek without a paddle…

Income after tax, NI and pension; £1600 (ish)

Mortgage = £980
Gas and Lecky = £60
Council Tax = 100
Water = £15
Telephone = £25
TV Licence = £12
Loan repayment = £100
House insurance = £15
Life insurance = £5
Food for the month = £60-80 (and this is a guess because I will have to pay for baby out of this now too)

Total outgoings are £1372 so initially I am ok however once this money is reduced to £133 a week I will be in the red by £840!!! I am just panicking as OH will not have a wage for us to fall back on as family tax credits are based on last financial year. Any advice?! I took a day off work to go CAB to find it closed despite publishing opening hours online. :wall2:

£80 a month will help a LOT however if my circumstances were different I would claim the money and put it in a trust fund for my child seeing as it is them that are entitled to it.

Peace and love :)

I am both a full time working nurse and claiming some tax credits due to OH redundancy. Although they ask for last years earnings they do not expect you to live off nothing after a dramatic change in circumstances, you can estimate next years earnings and they will calculate your entitlement as a couple and taking into account any savings or redundancy pay. Obviously as your circumstances change you need to inform tax credits of this to avoid over payments etc. Tax credits are a benefit made so that all families are receiving enough money to live on, that's a basic amount that does not take into account your living conditions, social status, previous earnings, post code, mortgage, car or any other need that is above and beyond that which is basic, I do believe that some people are able to fiddle the system and unfortunately that will always be the case and there will always be extremes... However I see things from all sides...

I used to work in IT and earn a lot more than I do now, i have never been unemployed, I am now a nurse, I work hard often up to 50 hrs a week and i paid hard to study, I work in difficult situations, under often difficult circumstances, I work nights and weekends, I have been spat at, kicked and punched, looking after people who use the NHS for the money they have put in, As well as those who are on benefits, I don't judge my patients on what they can or cannot afford or who does or does not deserve my care and compassion....

I am proud of my job and am glad i made that change, although it doesn't pay enough to support my family and I need some extra help... I cannot take a year off after my child is born but I am grateful that I have a career that lets me take some time off (6 months at full pay) I have no idea how I will pay for child care, if I am still claiming tax credits at that point I cannot get child care vouchers (you can't do both) but I will cross that bridge when I come to it, I'll budget and save and always know I'm doing my best. That's all that matters to me.
Wow flips, which trust do you work for that pays 6 months full pay??? I work for the NHS and only get 9 weeks full pay, then half pay for a few weeks then only SMP!!!
I thought working in nhs its the same up and down country? I do exactly same job as flips lol and get think its full for 9 weeks then almost full for the remainder for 6 months. Your nhs is a joke cosmic that's radiculous to expect anyone to live off smep!
6 months or 9 weeks at full though is a lot lot more than some places offer hun but I agree SMP rate is too low x

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