How much do you get for child benefit?

That's true doob and I wouldn't swap my career, salary or lifestyle to be in a position where I would be entitled to more. It's taken a lot of hard work to get where I am today so I can't really complain x
I thought working in nhs its the same up and down country? I do exactly same job as flips lol and get think its full for 9 weeks then almost full for the remainder for 6 months. Your nhs is a joke cosmic that's radiculous to expect anyone to live off smep!

I think that's fairly standard for most NHS trusts. With half pay and SMP on top you're only getting a bit less than full pay in most cases x
Im with nhs and we get a good mat package, i get my hols before baby then mat leave i can have upto a year (3 months unpaid) i dont know how long but its not 6 month full pay i think mines is just shy of 6 month full pay but i get smp with my package so itll prob work out full pay as i work ptime xxxx
I thought working in nhs its the same up and down country? I do exactly same job as flips lol and get think its full for 9 weeks then almost full for the remainder for 6 months. Your nhs is a joke cosmic that's radiculous to expect anyone to live off smep!

I really thought NHS maternity pay was standardised, I've worked in a couple of trusts and my benefits cover from my time with the NHS not my time with the trust, you are right Sarah it's not quite full pay for 6 months but it certainly ain't bad lol
No it's a pretty good mat package by sounds of things it's exactly the same as my sis had I know that and she works for the dvla so civil servant. I'm not 100% on how much I will be getting every month if I'm homest but friend of mine took a year off! Know last few months were unpaid but she said she had around £500 for the months 6-9 bit. I'm hoping to take 9 months off but having a beast of a mortgage we really really have to save in order to bump pay up for those 3 months
I have been told I can have an appointment with pay services who will do forecast payments of all my different options. :)
I am also getting 6 months full pay, then I get 13 weeks maternity pay, 6 of which are 90% of my weekly earnings then 7 weeks on smp. I know that I am very lucky with the package I receive which means I only need to save a month and a half wage. I then go back to full pay after this and I will be taking my annual leave at this point.
Wow, I would love 6 months full pay, I only get 6 weeks full pay then 12 weeks half pay then down to SMP :(
Well I've done some calculations (hence me starting this thread to begin with)

I've worked out my monthly income for the whole year I am off.

SMP is £540 per month. That means my monthly income drops by almost 3/4's :shock: at least CB tops that up a little bit..

When I get into my last few months of maternity leave and receive no pay I am going to request to be paid for holiday acrued (so 5 days every month for 4 months towards the end) which isn't going to be a vast amount BUT it's something.

Luckily we have some savings but to allow me to have a year off we'll have to push back moving to a bigger place until January 2013...

It's hard, although I know I am in a better position than some.

Well I've done some calculations (hence me starting this thread to begin with)

I've worked out my monthly income for the whole year I am off.

SMP is £540 per month. That means my monthly income drops by almost 3/4's :shock: at least CB tops that up a little bit..

When I get into my last few months of maternity leave and receive no pay I am going to request to be paid for holiday acrued (so 5 days every month for 4 months towards the end) which isn't going to be a vast amount BUT it's something.

Luckily we have some savings but to allow me to have a year off we'll have to push back moving to a bigger place until January 2013...

It's hard, although I know I am in a better position than some.


Remember that if you pay into a pension directly from your salary that will continue to be taken out too.
Thanks for the advice Flips :) and Roo I've asked if I could have a payment holiday with pension payments and been told no!!!

Will just have to suck it up but will follow up on all the great advice posted in the thread. Sorry if my posts were off topic, just trying to justify why child benefit will benefit my child.

Good luck ladies

So you have to pay your pension out of SMP???

What a fcuking cheek!

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So you have to pay your pension out of SMP???

What a fcuking cheek!


I think (and hope) it is recalculated to be in line with what you are paid....will double check though.

So you have to pay your pension out of SMP???

What a fcuking cheek!


I think (and hope) it is recalculated to be in line with what you are paid....will double check though.


To be honest I can't remember if it is recalculated or not. I did take a payment holiday for the last 3 (unpaid) months of my maternity leave but paid into my fund for the first 9 months.
You pay pension out of Smp?? That's nearly half my monthly Smp :(
So you have to pay your pension out of SMP???

What a fcuking cheek!


Depends on what your company pension scheme allows and what your maternity policy states. I don't have to pay into mine and have elected not to until I return to work but as my employer never set anything down in writing about pensions during maternity, legally he still has to continue to pay his share and at the same rate into it for the entire period I'm off.

Check with your HR first but if nothing is written down then no you don't, but they still do iykwim xx

You pay pension out of Smp?? That's nearly half my monthly Smp :(

My pension contributions cease when I am on SMP I think

I did I calculator yesterday and it says
Not even entitled to child benefit. Is that right? I thought everyone got it. :(

If you earn over 60k from jan 2013 you don't and it's reduced if you earn between 50-60k. I know we don't get tax credits if that's what the calculator might be referring to? Xx
I certainly dont earn over £60k lol every calculator i have done It comes out with 0. Do you have to include bonus on the calculation?


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