how much caffeine?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i kinda went off caffeine a bit when i was pregnant (which is good really as ur not supposed to hav it much) and rarely drank coke or tea. now my appetite for it has come back, i drink 6 cups of tea and 1 or 2 cans of coke daily (about the same as b4 i got pg). is this too much for breastfeeding? does it get in the milk and make the baby restless?
I try not to drink any cafeine while I am breastfeeding (TBH I stopped drinking cafeine years before I became PG, but I am stricter about it since becoming PG / Breastfeeding). If I do drink any cafeine I limit it to 1 mug a day. Other than that I drink decaf coffee. You can get some really nice decaf coffee's you can also get decaf teabags. Can't comment on the flavour of them as I can't stand tea full stop but my Dad drinks them and is happy with them.
i drink rose-scented tea from whittards and cherry coke- theres no decaf versions of those unfortunately! maybe ill just cut down... :(
you can get caffine free diet coke hun if that helps and de-cafe coffee and tea :D
Im on decaf coffee and tea and so is DH .

We have both decided that we will continue to drink decaf after the baby is born because we have found that were having better night sleep and also because you cant taste the diffrence.

Weve tried PG tips decaf version and it tastes really good .

Coffee wise weve tried nescafe decaf , morrisons gold blend decaf and also one from lidl .

The only decaf coffee we tend not to like is Asdas own make :puke:

Weve also brough flavoured teas i.e cranberry and apple etc from morrison own make which are also decaf and they too are nice .

The only thing ive found with decaf products is its a little bit more expensive.

As for coke i know they do decaf versions but these are hard to find as they tend not to sell many decaf products.

Hope this help hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanx gingerpig :hug:
it looks yummy that- pricey tho! :shock:
Glad you like it :hug: I thought maybe you could have it as a treat - ie normal decaff most of the day and then a nice cup of rose at the end or something? Twinings do a nice decat earl grey of you like black floral tea. My SiL never used to rink coffee when she was bfeeding then one she was absolutely knackerd so she had a couple of didn't sleep for hours :shock: Cant say it would be the same for your gorgeous little girl though :D
I have decaff coffee - the instant gold blend is good, or Cafe Direct for fresh.

I love Rooibos tea which is also caffeine free

It does get into the breastmilk as i have found with my Holly, not reading everything(no time) i didn't realise this and have spent 6 weeks of having what i called a squirmy baby,she never really slept properly.

I have now gone back to my de-cafe and she settled after a couple of days.

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