caffeine limits are y'all aware!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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well, seeing as evil work have banned me from PF :shakehead: iv just been sneaking on pregnancy websites when i got a spare second :shhh: (they said its forums what bring in viruses, so if i go on sites where i dont post anything, thats ok, right? :wink: :lol: )

aaaaaaaaanyway, the caffeine guidelines have changed! when i was pregnant with millie it was 300mg, now its only 200mg! that is equivalent to only TWO cups of tea or coffee, ONE cup of proper coffee, or FIVE cans of coke.

i am on decaf tea and coffee (havent gone off it yet, went off it at about 7 or 8 weeks last time i think) and iv cut right back on cans of coke- i only have one or two cans a day now :angel:

I used to love my cup of teas..but with my last pregnancy and this one i cant bear tea or coffee at all :( so hot chocolate it is.
I'm still having 3 - 4 cups of tea a day, can't live wthout my tea. My attitude to it is everything in moderation - common sense should prevail but each to their own I guess. I have stopped smoking since getting my bfp (and was only an occassional smoker before) but need my tea especially in the morning :)
oh god, tea... coffee.... :puke: :puke: :puke:

I do have the occasional coke but I guess that's ok if we're allowed up to 5...

Another thing to watch out for is cold/flu remedies (especially the 'day' ones like day nurse) often have caffeine in them to give you a boost...

Good post Trix!
when i was pregnant in 2006 it was 4 cups of coffee and 8 cups of tea...

I don't see how they can just change willy nilly, that means I should have only drank 2 cups of coffee a day with my daughter rather than 4? well there's nothing I can do about that now though is there :think: I'm sticking to 4 personally, sometimes I even go over that too.
from everything I've read they reckon there's no actual evidence of harm to baby from caffeine at all, so why they keep changing the limits I don't know. I drink 3 (instant but strong) cups of coffee a day usually and don't let it worry me too much. I reckon if my body thought it was a problem I wouldn't fancy it. Everything in moderation, eh? (well most stuff anyhow).

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