how much attention do you pay to


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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....clothes sizes.

G now weighs 12lbs 7oz - which means technically she's bigger than most of her 0-3 stuff which says up to 12lb (some stuff says 14lbs.)

Ive just tied away her first size things - although some stuff like dress/t-shirts still fit i figured it was easier to bag all together.

But now there is next to NOTHING in her wardrobe - plenty of jammies and vests - but no clothes.

I have a HUGE pile of 3-6 stuff to look out - i normally have two sizes on the go as obviously it varys from shop to shop - but most of this stuff looks far far to big for her just now.

Sorry for the ramble - but basically im trying to figure out if i should go buy her some more 0-3 stuff (even though she's techincally past the weight limit!!) or just wear 3-6 thats too big??!! she has always been in a smaller size than her weight says she should be.

I wouldn't buy anything else tbh, maybe take something from the 3-6 month pile and exchange it for a smaller size? X

H is still in 3-6 month clothes because 6-9 months is too big!

difficult to judge isnt it, alyssa is getting a bit long for her 3-6 month stuff now, im having to pull things to snap them closed over her bum and the toes on sleepsuits are starting to get pulled so her feet are bent. tbh id rather things be a bit loose on her cos she will grow into them but its such a shame as i really like some of her outfits atm lol. i just bag them up all together and start on the next size up when what shes wearing is getting too small, that way theyre all together in size. i will black bag them and store for the next one just incase.
I wouldn't buy anything else tbh, maybe take something from the 3-6 month pile and exchange it for a smaller size? X

H is still in 3-6 month clothes because 6-9 months is too big!


I cant - i was very organised and pre-washed everything. lol.

Maybe will have a better idea when its all hung up.

The only reason im actually considering it is cos we are away on holiday for a week with my folks next sat - if we were just staying in the house i would just leave her in jammies, if i was struggling. lol.

Is it wee outfits and dresses you need? Sometimes you can get nice things in eBay for pennies x
Mothercare stuff is huge compared to most places, Albert's in 0-3 for tescos, asda, matalan and M&P but still in new baby for mothercare. I measure his length every week lol so when out shopping I can measure the length of babygrows etc
Very glad I didn't pre-wash anything, as Vince turned out to be a big baby, now he's 5 months and is already in 9-12.

He had a 2-4 month stretchy vest he could still wear until not very long ago though.
Yeah harrison has a range of sizes, tesco comes up small and he is getting too big for his 6-9month clothes but mostly he is getting big for 3-6 but a bit small for 6-9 months!!
I don't pay attention to the sizes at all really. If it fits, she wears it. Some things are 0-3 and some are 6-9! I would take out the 0-3 month stuff that still fits her if I were you. Xx
I've picked up masses of stuff at NCT nearly new sales and I've just been in Asda and picked up a double pack of pink leggings for £4!!! And a 12-18month sleeping bag for £3 in the sale - it's blue but I don't think Evie will care all that much!!
Forgot to say I also ignore labels. If it fits she wears it!!
I go with what fits not what the labels say. I've got a bag in her wardrobe and put things away as she grows out of a particular thing cos all sizes differ from shop to shop. Holly went to grandma's this morning wearing a dress that is 3 - 6 months as a top over leggings and looked great, seems a shame to pack things away too soon.

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