How much are your scans?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Just looked up for a 4D scan in our area and they do packages the cheapest is £100 and you get 2pics and a view of the face. They wont tell you the gender and if you did want to know then it would be the one that is £240. Eshh. Also for a normal scan like you have at the hospitals £95.
They sound around the same as prices here!
:shock: I knew they would be around £100 but I think for that they wouldn't be so strict as to not even trying to find the gender or showing the body. It seemed like that was what they meant as they only said about the gender thing on the £240 one.
Mine was £115, it included 2d images and sexing, and 4d ones too, she mainly concentrated on her body in 4d but we got good views of her hands and feet as they were all muddled togehter lol. We also got 5 4d pics of her.

The lady doing it was lovely and i'd do it again 2mos if i could afford it
We paid £130 but we got the extra CD-ROM and DVD

Got to go to a posh Harley Street clinic though! :cheer:
If your local NHS hospitals don't tell the gender at the 20 week scan I can imagine the local independant (4D) scan companies would get a fair bit of business because of it and people wanting to know, so paying :roll:

Yes I am cynical :lol:
Sherlock said:
Yes I am cynical :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wouldn't pay an extra £150 to find out the gender... because you'll then spend ANOTHER £150 on clothes you don't need because "you think they're cute" :rotfl: Not that I'm talking from experience..... :shhh: :oops: :wall:

PLUS... they still aren't 100% so they could still be wrong!

We told the sonographer at our 4D scan that we knew what we were expecting and she then said "Oh, look at HER!" when she was scanning so she confirmed it for us for free without knowing it! :rotfl:
Ours is costing £170 and for that we get:

-A DVD of the full scan
-A CD Rom of 50 still images
-2 A4 photo enlargements (you can buy more for £5 each!!)
-6 colour images
-Baby sexing on request

We can take 4+ people with us so are taking my mum and MIL too :D

I am sooooo excited for my scan :cheer:

We paid £160 for Oliver's.
We got a 45 min DVD, a CD full of 3d and 2d stills.
6 prints and two keyrings, and a teddy lol. Oh and the gender too.

Can't wait for this one. Three months to go!
inforabumpyride said:
Sherlock said:
Yes I am cynical :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wouldn't pay an extra £150 to find out the gender... because you'll then spend ANOTHER £150 on clothes you don't need because "you think they're cute" :rotfl: Not that I'm talking from experience..... :shhh: :oops: :wall:

PLUS... they still aren't 100% so they could still be wrong!

We told the sonographer at our 4D scan that we knew what we were expecting and she then said "Oh, look at HER!" when she was scanning so she confirmed it for us for free without knowing it! :rotfl:

hehe thats what we were going to do if we didnt find out at the 20 week scan!

our 4d is £85 and we get a 15 min dvd and 2 pictures. and half hour watching baby.
I've been checking out the cost for these too as only get the 12 week scan here :( and October seems so so far away at the moment! Nearest place I can find is a 2 hour drive away and they do a 2D reassurance scan with sexing + 2 photos for £75 which I thought sounded ok. They do 3D/4D scans too for £170.
Once we have had our "20 week" scan (at 19weeks.. on tuesday :) ) my mum has said she will pay for us to have a 4d scan but we dont want to know the sex so im glad they charge more for it hehehehe i.e. they prob wont tell me if we're not paying. we are going through baby premier ... rices.html
Only coz thats who we had our nuchal scan through...
I've got a 4D scan booked for in 4 weeks time and it's costing £175 (I get 6 pics, DVD and I think there was something else?! :think: )

Anyway, if you go on they should have one near you? xx
We got the £99 package for Isaac's 4D scan;

Babyview 4D - THIRTY minute appointment - 3D/4D Parental Bonding Scan

30 minute appointment
DVD of 4D scan movies (approx 10 minutes)
CD ROM of 3D scan pictures
Fetal Sexing (optional)
TWO high quality 6x4 colour photographs.

They're in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK
Interesting how the packages vary in what they offer and price.

Ours is £95 for a 30 min appointment, dvd (15 mins) + 3 pics although with our first they gave us 5/6 pics in the same package.

There's a more expensive package that offers a bit more but from experience with our son, this package suits us in terms of what they offer.
OMG Why is mine soooo expensive?! :wall: I'm getting the same as you lot too!!

Celebration Scan - £135
Weeks 20 - 34
DVD. CD-Rom of 20-35 pictures. 6 coloured prints of your choice. Sexing available.
And he said he will scan me for around an hour and i'm also allowed to take up to 15 people with me and we all get to watch on a massive plasma screen up on the wall, like a

Danni your is quite expensive i found one near enough the same price at the place im going and this is what the offer there

V.I.P. Scan - £185
Weeks 22 - 30
DVD. CD-Rom of 50-75 pictures.
1 X A4 Coloured print
8 X 6X4 coloured prints
1 X A4 sheet of 9 keyring sized prints
2 large keyrings
Well-being check
Heartbeat, blood flow, placenta and baby presentation

we said we would have liked this one, but its too much stuff, we just want a few pics and to see him again really and know hes ok in there.

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