How many weeks ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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Are you working until? I had planned on working until I'm 36 and a half weeks, but just been working out finances and because my maternity package doesn't cover my financial commitments, I may have to work longer, maybe to 39 weeks.

I know everyone's different but am wondering how realistic people think this is? Xx
It depends on what ur job involves-I took mat leave early this time cos I'm self employed but my last pregnancy I worked til 36 weeks,I was a care assistant-tbh there's no way I'd have been able to work past 34 weeks this tine xx
I'm a deputy headteacher in a large primary school, so I'm on my feet all day teaching, and am still doing playground duty, which is getting quite scary with 400 children running wild! X
i am a mortgage advisor and am hoping to work right up til about 38 weeks...but just gonna have to see how it goes....i have quite a lot of travelling to do, so will just have to see how i go...

i am due 7th oct so if i can go till about 20th sept i would be happy....xx
I am planning on workin till I am 37 +5 days, wouldlike to go longer but have a 4 year old to consider and don't want to really over do it. My worry is that i finish work hoping i will only have 2 weeks to go then end up having 4 weeks.
I'm working up until 37-37 1/2 weeks, I work in an office where am sat down for most of the day so reckon that'll be ok but if I was on my feet more I may reconsider!
ive stopped doing my support worker role already and ive got another 5 weeks left working in a restuarant but its getting really tiring being on my feet running around for 8 hours at a time - i really dont know how im going to get through the next 5 weeks! x
I will be working right up untli the due date if I can manage it - I hate being stuck at home.
I'm a barrister and I'm planning on working until 38.5 weeks but just doing less complicated more local cases from 37 weeks on. Don't want to stop too early and spend ages at home without baby as would rather have the time off with baby afterwards x
I left @ 27 weeks! Mainly because I despised my job and secondly my role has been made redundant anyway so it won't cut down my time on maternity. I'm so tired even now so don't know how I would have managed!
i teach fitness classes & plan on working right up until due date :)
I'm working up to 35+4 and can't wait to leave! I am getting more and more tired and less and less interested in my work as the time goes on. I've got so much to do on maternity leave and I just want to concentrate on my baby now...roll on 11th March!
I'm like lexusno1 I stop at 29 weeks and being made redundant anyway and despise the job. But I've already stopped but off sick at moment so haven't been at work since about 23 weeks xx
Im a HCA, i was planning to leave at 34 weeks. But didnt even make that, couldnt finish my last week as i gave birth early!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Im a HCA, i was planning to leave at 34 weeks. But didnt even make that, couldnt finish my last week as i gave birth early!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I hope it wasn't being in court that brought it on early otherwise I could end up in your boat! Hope you and little one are doing well? xx
thankyou yes we are doing fab, hes 4lb 13oz!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well hunxxx
I'm an HR Manager mostly office based.I'm officially working until 37 weeks but I reckon i'll be in work during week 38 a well.

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