How many times?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post but i'm just wondering how many times you m/c before going on to have a health pregnancy?

It just i have read horror stories about people having many m/c's and i'm hoping this is not that case for me.

I'd really love you hear your own stories.

wishing you all happy 9 motnhs x x x
I had a missed miscarriage once before this pregnancy which has got to 17 weeks so far. I have a nearly 6 year old daughter too. I had never had a miscarriage before and had never considered that it was possible to have the baby die and not be expelled by my body (sorry guys). I'm scared to death it'll happen again and I won't know, go along happily planning for baby and be torn apart at scan. I'm actually terrified of 20 week scan because I still think they'll tell me baby's heart has stopped. I pray nobody ever had to go through this but I've been discovering recently that it's quite common! Sorry to ramble.
they reckon that if you miscarry your next pregnancy has an 80% chance of survival if it was your first miscarriage if you have had more than 1 miscarriage its 60%
I had 2 M/C's before I had my son. Was told by the hospital that 2 is still just bad luck, and that seemed to be true in my case.
Anyone know what are the chances of having a MC at all , with no history of MC then , just to get an idea how much that goes up from the 80 percent ?
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Hi all,

Thank you so much for your replies. Its reassuring to hear all ur thoughts and hear it from those who have been through a m/c.

I guess its just a case of fingers crossed and do all we can to keep any future pregnancy healthy xxx
Before I got pregnant, I didn't even consider all of the risks and complications, I didn't realise how common it actually was. It's mother nature at her most cruel. Heres hoping sticky beans for everyone xx
I m/c at 6 weeks last year so have been very worried with this pregnancy but everything seems to be going brilliantly so far!! Someone told me that once you've m/c the chances are slim with miscarriaging again and that gave me hope and made me more positive!
Goodluck in the future hun x x

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