How many of you use dummies?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Are you breastfeeding or bottlefeeding? When do you tend to use the dummies to settle baby or all the time?

Just curious as Alex has one when he is dropping off to sleep or when he is restless.
I used one with Harrison for when he was restless or sleepy and he's 2 and a bit now and I'm trying to get him to stop using it. We had it just down to bedtime but since new baby has arrived he's wanted it lots. He goes back to nursey next week and I'll be stopping him having it other than bedtimes again with the aim of it going altogether by the summer.

Elliot won't take to a dummy so not going to force it. That said I don't have a problem with dummies at all for kids when they are small. I would like Harrison to stop now but not losing sleep over it x x x
I'm breastfeeding and introduced one at 3 weeks when he was feeding constantly and destroying my nipples! He'll have it to settle but not that often, maybe once or twice a day.
Toby is breastfed, and refused a dummy point blank, I didn't want him to have them but was desperate for a bit of a break if he would allow, he still uses me for comfort, which is a bit of a nightmare but hey, I'm his mummy :D although he does sort of self settle I think it is something we will have to work out of when he hits 6 months as I'll be going back to work...

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Drake is bottle fed and uses one. He has it mainly for sleep purposes. I don't like it when dummies are permanently attached to their mouths for no reason!
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Campbell uses one. I was DETERMINED not to give him one and was dead against (we were bought some at my shower) them but after 6 sleepless nights I screamed to the hubby "get the dummmmyy!!!!!" haha.

He uses it when he is restless. He seems to be a sucky baby and it really helps him to soothe him. x
Toby refuses to suck on anything except me :wall: He's always refused to drink from bottles and never put anything in his mouth until he was about 7 months so I didn't like my chances of trying to give him a dummy :lol: Sam didn't have one either but he was always a good sleeper so I never thought to try one x
I have to admit I used one with Lacey all the time as it kept her quiet but did get rid of it by 10 months.
Charleys bottle fed and will only have it if he can't quite drop off to sleep or is slightly unsettled. As soon as his teeth start coming through, I'll get rid of it
I find the dummy buys us about half an hour - usually just before his last evening feed so 6:30pm ish. Good for when we're out and about and on our way home. I couldn't bear him screaming in the car when I couldn't tend to him. The dummy settles him so he's calm when we get in and start the feed rather than distraught and full of wind from crying so much.
I'm a terrible mum lol Herbie loves his dummy he has it on a dummy chain that on him all the time, he is such a happy baby so its not to settle him but he just sit there sucking away for comfort I think.

but dolly is 2 and a half and still has her's I do need to get it off her but she has done to it more since herbie has come so I'm leaving her at the min, We go to a playgroup 3 times a wk and she knows she cant have it there she leave it in her buggy so she can do it
Dd1 bottle fed- had dummy til she was about 4 **blush**

Dd2 breast fed- thumb sucker

Ds breast fed - bloody neither the mardy lad will just suck on me all night!
I never wanted to use a dummy but Seb sucked his bottle just for comfort to sleep so we got him one. He has it to help him sleep and no other time. I'm bottle feeding x
I didn't have a dummy until I was 2 and my sister came along. By that time I was already an established thumb sucker. Took my mum a year to get the dummy off me and it took me 21 years to stop sucking my thumb! So in a way I wanted to try avoid Blake sucking his thumb.
Jax is breastfed and he has had a dummy for about a week and a half on advice from HV as he was wanting my nipple all the time a lot of the time just for comfort (he wouldn't suck just have it sat in his mouth till he fell asleep) and if I left him he would start trying to find his thumb and start sucking that, so it was discussed between me, DH and HV and decided that it was better to give him a dummy rather than let him establish thumb sucking or be attached to me all the time. Luckily it hasn't affected his feeding. He doesn't use it much but it certainly has helped to settle him on a few occasions
noa only like mummys boobs aswell.. i try everyday with the dummy to settle him but hes not havin it
my avatar is one of the few times he keept it in for more then 2 secs
Brooke was FF and she had a dummy up until 18 months, and she just has it for bed on the odd occaision now
I try to give Chloe the dummy but only on the odd occasion where she is really restless and I want my boobs to have a rest lol most of the time well all ofthe time she spits it out she wants it but coz she is bf her tongue naturally comes forward and it comes out if we are out I stick a bib on her or put her coat just on top of it and ahe nipples on it - she never sucks it tho lol but it keeps her amuses and stops me walking around with a screaming Baby lol!
Thanks ladies its not affected alex and feeding either which is good but need to stop oh giving it to him just cos he cries mil is same and i dont want him havingin his mouthfor no reason

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