How many movements?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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How many movements are you meant to feel at about 17 weeks?

I know the NHS say 10, but I am only feeling about 4 a day? would you be worried?

I just listened for he's heartbeat on the doppler and I did hear him but he kept hiding, where is he meant to be also? as he is still right behind my pubic bone!
I'm 17 weeks and not 100% certain I've felt baby or not! I wouldn't worry too much especially if you have found the heart beat, some say they don't feel anything until 23/24 weeks....xx
I dont think we need to worry about kick counting until Tri3, certainly at this stage there is plenty on room for our LOs so they will hide and shift about. Likewise there is no set position for them yet either.

Pickle hangs out mostly on my right side but that's cos I can see him there, I'm sure he moves about more though. Xx
I only ever feel a few flutters a day usually. As for the doppler, my baby is a naughty doppler dodger! And when I do find them they are usually somewhere just above the pubic bone xxxx

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i looked up the kick counts on the internet (not sure if it was the nhs choices one) and it said to start at 28weeks so i wouldnt worry too much hun x
Dont worry about counting movements till 28 weeks. Many people don't feel baby move at 17 weeks so you are very lucky x
Hey, I wouldn't worry about movement yet! Still so early! Baby has loads of room, I'm 25 weeks and some days feel like I'm
Not feeling enough, but baby has plenty room to move about yet, and it's only from 28weeks you should start to feel a pattern of movements :) xxx
Dont worry botu the kick counting, i havent done this at all during my pregnancy, youll get into a routine of feeling baby and if you feel a sudden decrease then ring the units. I had to do this once and all they did was get the doppler out as they dnt monitor til after 30 weeks x
I'm 20 weeks in 2 days time and i have not felt anything yet... well nothing that i have not passed off as wind lol
I am not sure I've felt anything and Ia m 17 weeks yet my husband and midwife said they had. I had the midwife monitor the heart rate and at first it was right there then baby kept hiding lol.
I didn't even feel my bab at 17 weeks. Only felt him properly at 20 so I shouldn't worry if I was you :).


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