21 weeks and still no definate movements


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I can hear baby moving when we use our Doppler (even if he did hide this morning great way to freak mummy out) but I still don't get defo movements. Could it be because I am a larger lady??? Zxxx
I have heard larger ladies feel movement later, but I,ve also heard that size doesn't matter coz the movements are on the inside?? So no help there. Have had your scan yet?? Maybe your placenta is at the front and blocking the kicks. Either that it baby,s facing your back and kicking that way, so you can't really feel it.
i had a quiet period of feeling hardly anything, but i think baby has changed position as since Sunday ive had some belters, so it could be all down to the position of the baby possibly! xx
I have posterior placenta which is normal apparently. Baby was in a different place this morning compared to normal when we were looking (and eventually found) the heartbeat. Xxxx
I,m guessing then baby,s facing your back and kicking the placenta
I am a size 18 and I have an Anterior Placenta currently, I didn't start feeling proper kicks until about 22/23 weeks, I had flutters, almost kind of pops but not full on boots, then he went quiet for a week and freaked me out totally :)

@MasonOwen- your roughly around the same mark as me are you having quiet days? x
My midwife told me to expect movements for 1st baby at about 24 weeks! X
@MasonOwen- your roughly around the same mark as me are you having quiet days? x

Yes, some days I don't feel her at all untill I go to bed then just have a few half hearted kicks, and others she,s moving all day. She had me worried last nite coz I always feel her when I get in bed, but she didn't move much all day yesterday, then not at all when I went to bed but she,s making up for it today :) xx
so glad its not me... i never know if to worry or not or to ring the number of the hospital to tell them.
Thursday was a quiet day and yesterday was a full kicking and moving day but again today havent really felt anything and lost sleep over it xxx
so glad its not me... i never know if to worry or not or to ring the number of the hospital to tell them.
Thursday was a quiet day and yesterday was a full kicking and moving day but again today havent really felt anything and lost sleep over it xxx

I,ve had the same, she was really moving yesterday, but she,s hardly moved at all today. They sure like to make us worry lol
I am exactly the same 21 weeks today but still not feeling any movement and it is starting to worry me now to. I am also a larger lady but did not know if this would affect it. :shock:
When I wasn't sure if I was feeling movements or not I tried to be logical; by this time your uterus is up to your belly button, your bowel is pushed backwards/ sideways/anywhere but at the front. So if there's anything going on at the front of your tummy it's most likely to be baby and not wind! Unless of course he or she is kicking backwards, i'm not sure you feel it so strongly then.

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