How many clothes have you bought??


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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Hi girls, now im in tri 3 and nursery furniture is all up etc, we only really have clothes to buy.

How many have you all got in each size?
Ive been lucky and have been given 8 newborn sleepsuits (up to 10lb)
So far ive got 6 0-3 sleepsuits, 8 0-3 bodysuits and 3 newborn bodysuits.
Also how many outfits have you all bought?
Thanks in advance xx
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I have crap loads! Lol! Mostly vests and sleepsuits in NB, then vests, sleepsuits and outfits on 0-3 and onwards. I have gone a bit OTT but I can't help it. Everythin is so cute!
I've lost count! Did start counting, but then just kept buying more, so have loads now!! Lol. -mainly in 0-3 - not so much in newborn. So if she is tiny when she's born will h ave to go and get more newborn stuff.
I have crap loads! Lol! Mostly vests and sleepsuits in NB, then vests, sleepsuits and outfits on 0-3 and onwards. I have gone a bit OTT but I can't help it. Everythin is so cute!

Haha, this is what im worried about. Everytime i go shopping or to town i find myself looking at baby clothes x
I don't have a lot at all!! Shed loads of vests, an increasing amount of hand knitted cardies in various shades (!!) and about 5 bodysuits in newborn and then 0-3. Was going to get a few more but we are team yellow and actually there isn't huge amounts of stuff that I like that's unisex. Fingers crossed people buy a few outfits when it's here!!! Lots of people have said they had so much stuff the baby grew too quickly to wear lots of it, and don't want to go crazy on newborn stuff and find it's a little porker that won't fit into anything!!
All these are 0-3 or nb (mostly 0-3)

18 sleep suits
10 outfits (can obviously mix and match)
2 pramsuits
20 vests

It looks quite alot when hanging up :) if I need more I'll get it when little man is here x x
You can never have enough vests and sleep suites ESP when first born I have loads you'll prob go through about 4 changes if clothes a day in the first few weeks or so xxx

ive hardly bought any but i was given bags of stuff that all tiny baby to 6 months so ive got a fair amount of each size. havent counted it tho lol
I have no idea of numbers - poss about a dozen in each size, but watch where your shopping, between first size, new born and 0-3 I have stuff for 9lbs, 10lbs,11lbs, 14lbs and 15lbs. So there's a huge variety in the same size.

Mines a lil shrimp, at 7lb the 'newborn' stuff seems huge. So imagine we'll be ok for a while. Lol. Xxx
Thanks girls - ive done a bit of online shopping today! I've also noticed the variation in sizes - i couldn't believe sainsbury's 0-3 went up to over 14lb, yet asda is 12lb. Should have a good variation by the time im done shopping xx
7 vests and 4 sleepsuits so far - we are team yellow so not planning on getting much more until after the baby arrives - I don't want to have loads of clothes that baby doesn't wear as well.
Got a few sleepsuits in varying sizes and a few sleeveless vest suits

Not entirely sure what babies wear to be honest!! I *think* I need to be going for sleeveless vest/body suits with sleepsuit on top.

God I've sone learning to do in the next 6 weeks!!
Got a few sleepsuits in varying sizes and a few sleeveless vest suits

Not entirely sure what babies wear to be honest!! I *think* I need to be going for sleeveless vest/body suits with sleepsuit on top.

God I've sone learning to do in the next 6 weeks!!

They'll wear what ever you pick. We just bought sleepsuits and vest - got some long and some short sleeves, cos sleepsuits look comfier to me. (and easier). But some people like outfits for day and sleepsuits for bed right from the beginning. Xxx
Think on the first few weeks I'll be having pip in sleepsuits. As you say so much more comfortable.

Haven't bought any outfits as we're team yellow xx
As i have still got most of jake and paiges baby clothes the only thing i have bought so far despite being due in just over 4 wks is a pack of vests lol x
We've got a pack of newborn vests (7) and a 2 packs of newborn sleepsuits (6) , then a few sleepsuits in 0-3. As we're team yellow we're going to get just one more pack each of sleepsuits/vests I think and then hubby is looking forward to going out and buying either pink or blue...the way he talks, you'd think as soon as Bubs arrives he'll be off to Mothercare! ha ha!

I too was surprised at the size difference between shops. My nephew was premature, and realllly tiny. He was finally fitting into "newborn" clothes a few weeks ago. I bought him some funky sleepsuits from Sainsburys in "newborn", but they were huge on him!
As team yellow we went to buy and outfit for each sex today, but in the end I've said that hubby can go out and get something while I'm in hospital - his first treat for baby!! And even if I hate it I've said I'll let baby wear it seeing as it's his choice... So we bought some MORE white sleepsuits (0-3) and a lovely little jacket thing with bears on - I already have the matching bootees!! So at least baby will be warm enough to leave hospital now!!!
Madam arrived at 7lbs, 19inches long, and the first size (up to 9lbs) is huge - so think either dady or grandpa are gonna be sent to asda for some tiny baby stuff!!! Lol.


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