How many bottles?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Zac currently has 2 7oz bottles and 2 5oz bottles a day and 3 meals a day. I think I need to reduce his milk so he has bigger portions of food. Should I drop a bottle and give him 3 7oz bottles or keep it at 4 and reduce them to 5oz? No idea what is best? X
Anyone? How are you planning to do it, if you're weaning? X
Sorry no advice but it's a bump for you xx
No idea I'm afraid hon x I think I just assumed they'd automatically drop a bottle on their own iygwim?
No sign of him wanting to drop any milk yet, I even doubled his lunch portion size today, and he still had all his milk so far, and his dinner! I'll just carry on as I am for now then x
Yeah I would x do you give him water?
It varies but I used to give mix breakfast with milk then give rest of bottle after,bottle mid mornin then lunch,bottle mid aft then tea then bottle for bed
If he's still taking those bottles then go with it. He'll drop a bottle when he's ready x x
While lo is still keen I'd keep it up, they soon let you know when they don't want it :) xx
we're doing blw and owen still on loads of milk and not showing much sign af wanting less. I think just keep going with the bottles, milks a massive source of nutrition for them, I'm not going to drop a bottle but just wait til he iniates it (hope he does now!!)...or he'll be on bottles when he's 10!
Thanks Ladies, I'll carry on as I am, I was worrying I was supposed to be dropping a bottle and was over feeding him milk instead of food. Xxx
we got told that if he has a full meal (pureed for us) then in his evening meal then we should give him water with the food so that way it cuts out a bottle and then slowly when he starts eating a proper breakfast and a proper lunch with meat and bread etc etc just give him water with meals so then he's slowly off milk...
So atm Josh eats:

7fl oz at 7.30 but that milk is used to mix with baby rice as well
11.45 7fl oz and pureed fruit/veg
7 fl oz at 4
A meal with water at about 6.30 - 7
2fl oz at 11 x
but we make sure that he has avocado at some point at every day as apparently its very very nutritious x

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