How long..?

first timer

Aug 14, 2008
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Hi all,

It's my due date today but so far no signs of baby - not even a hint! Just wondering, how long overdue do they let you go before they offer or suggest a sweep or induction? Or is it up to me when I want to try and get things started?

Really hoped I wouldn't go right up till due date and the baby would have been here by now, but clearly he has his own ideas!!

Hiya :wave:

To be honest I would ask your midwife for a sweep, I dont know if they are always offered.

Good luck :hug:
I think it varies in different areas but usually they let you go around 14 days over.
i am currently 40+4 weeks and my sweep is booked in for sunday then if it hasnt worked they offer another 48 hours later and if that still doesnt work they induce you 48 hours after the second sweep!
im keeping my fingers crossed she will come before then though as i had an internal examination last sweek and that was painful enough without her shoving her fingers up there and having a route around lol xx
Here they only let you go 12 days overdue before inducing you. I have a midwife app tomorrow and after that one she said she would do a sweep at 41 weeks. She didn't mention if she would do a 2nd sweep so not sure about this :think:
Hope things happen for you soon hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
In my hospital they will induce me at 40+10 if I get there!

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