How long to use OPKs for?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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I cracked the dilemma of when to start using my OPKs this month (normally around 30 day cycle so used first on CD11) but now I'm not sure when to stop.

I'm fairly certain yesterday's was a positive (though obviously I'm going to carry on testing for a couple of days to check). Last month I used them CD18 to CD22 just to get the feel for them and got nothing/very faint lines that you had to squint to see.

So once you know you've ov'd do you stop or do you keep going until AF in case you get another surge, how long do you keep testing?
Im going to keep doing them just in case it wasnt a surge before. Yours do look like youve surged but Id carry on hun x
I personally would keep on using them until you get a surge and it goes away again.

However, with you being on your first cycle of using them properly, i would be tempted to keep on going until about a week before AF just to be sure.

You need to KNOW you have had your surge otherwise what's the point in using them?
Yeah, I think I'll keep going until it starts looking like AF is on the way, at least until I have a better idea of when I'm Oving.

Did a test earlier and it's back to being really faint so I think I've had my surge. Might do another one in a couple of hours just to be on the safe side.

It's silly but I'm actually finding this peeing on sticks kind of exciting!
I found it exciting the first week, but i'm up every morning at 7am and i like to do my tests with FMU so it's irritating to have to grab a stick etc when i'm still half asleep and need to pee badly lol
Yeah, that doesn't sound so much fun. I've found I get stronger results in the afternoon but the problem is getting a chance to sneak away and actually do it. It's actually easier at work, when I'm at home it's really hard to fish out an OPK & sneak away to the bathroom. :lol:

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