How long have you been TTC?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Forgive me ladies im not being nosey!

I am in my 4th month of TTC for my 1st baby and I am 34.

I am just trying to get a feel of how long people have been trying for.


this is my 3rd month trying for our 1st baby x
Thanks Cherelle

Same as me, hows it goin? xxx
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I am 29 and TTC my first baby... came off the pill in April so would make it 5 months now
Thanks Vicky, have your AF's been regular?

I came off the Depo injection last Aug and got my first AF in January.

We've been TTC since December last year. Baby number 1 for us too! :)

its going ok thanks - due to test on sunday, im testing way too often this month but weve enjoyed it more than last and its not too regimented yet! u? x
No my Af have been all over the place since I stopped the pill xx
Im trying to make it not too regimented. My first 2 AF's came as usual but my last one was 5 days late so i got really excited but then the witch came and spolit it!

ahh thats horrible :-( my last 2 have been on time so ive not had a lot of time to get excited which i suppose is a good thing. I was feeling really positive last week about this month but in the last few days before af is due i dont want to get my hopes up too much!

Good luck for testing! x
Thanks Cherelle, i dont blame u its really hard not to get carried away!

Good Luck to you xxx

I'm TTC my first too! Came off pill in january and got BFP at end of February. Unfortunately had a MC in May so have now been TTC for 4 months with no luck so far.
:dust::dust::dust:baby dust to everyone ttc at the moment.
I'm now into my 12 th cycle of TTC and getting a bit down about it. Starting BBT charting this month, then docs next month if still nothing :(
Hi Beanster so sorry bout your MC, keep trying im sure it will happen for you soon xxx Baby Dust coming your way xxx

Hi Buggy - Do you have to have been trying for a certain time before you can go to the doctors? xxx
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I'm not Buggy (obviously) but you can go to doctors at anytime. They usually refer you for tests after 12 months if you are under 35 or 6 months if you are over 35 (correct me if I am wrong)

Thanks Flopsy, i didnt know that. Thats good to know seeing as im 34!

Baby Dust to you xxx
Flopsybunnys right they won't do anything before you've been TTC for 12 months. Dreading the tests but will be good to check everything working ok.

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