How long does it take


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi girls,

I'm currently going through my 3rd miscarriage. With the first 2 I was given a D&C operation as I was 8-9 weeks with both of them. I'm earlier this time so dr has suggested I pass the baby naturally as I started bleeding at 5 weeks. However this has been going on for about a week now and I've been passing clots and quite a bit of blood but it doesn't seem to be easing up any.

How long will it take till it's all over? This sounds really selfish but it's my 30th birthday next weekend and I really want it to be over before that. I'm upset enough that I'm turning 30 and still not pregnant never mind still going through the distress of passing the baby.

Jeezo I've just bawled my eyes out crying to my husband, like hyperventilating couldn't breathe panicking crying. Anyone else feel so worried about the future and whether you'll ever be a mum? With my 30th approaching and my 3 losses I'm in such a panic, I feel I'm running out of time. I also feel like why is this happening to me when so many others conceive no problem. What's wrong with me?!!! Xxx
Ah hun. I want to give you a massive hug. I can't imagine how you're feeling but you will definitely be a mummy soon. And I know turning 30 feels shit when you don't have the baby you'd hoped for but 30 really isn't very old at all. You still have so much time to become a mum. There are so many women having babies well into their 40's. Hopefully the tests at the clinic will give you some answers and some hope. X x x
Cosmo...i found out yesterday that i had a mmc at 8+4 weeks. I had a blighted ovum which had stopped developing weeks ago. I was not given any other option than a natural misscarriage and this morning googled...'how long will bleeding last with a misscarriage' so i know how you feel.

The thing i want to advise you on is the age thing...I am 34 now (only started ttc in Jan this year and we got pregnant first time) anyway I found turning 30 was a massive pychological barrier for my head i had expectations of where i thought my life should be and what it should look like at 30, this could be possibly what your going through.

I think if at all possible this should be one less thing you should be worrying sister only started trying at 37 and fell pregnant...I am nearly 5 years older than you I have full confidence i will full pregnant so if im not worrying you shouldnt either. The one thing you are not is running out of time...focus on your health and what your going through now currently.

Xxxx fx you will be over the worse next week...have you got a re-scan booked in? Mine is for next thursday as they want to check that my body has naturally taken care of the misscarriage, so im assuming a week is the time frame which is normal.
Thanks ladies.

Do you know I wasn't feeling bad about turning 30 I was happy about it but loosing my 3rd baby has made me worry about it now. I know it's silly as I know loads of people who've got pregnant after 30. I'm sure I'll be more rational when my emotions calm down.

Aaww Apple I'm sorry for your loss too, it's the elation you feel when you find out your pregnant then it's like you fall from a huge height when you find out about the loss. I've got another scan booked for Tuesday, hoping it'll be all gone by then. After my last 2 it's taken me 7 weeks before I've got another period xxx
Im actually finding today harder than yesterday! Yesterday i was must glad to know where i stood, as during pregnancy i guess you will always worry so yesterday i didnt have to worry because i knew.

Now i still want the end goal of a baby im just back at square one! And completely agree about the high of being pregnant and you start planning the year around the due date and put milestone in calender and all that to have it taken

We have decided we want to try again straight away, I obviously will have to look out for cm as dates wont work before i get back into a proper cycle...but i like having a plan and something else to focus on.

Take care x
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I'm so sorry this has happened to you again cosmo, life is crap sometimes. 30 is not old hun, trust me you have time. I do know what it feels like to panic about age though, I'm over 40 now and it terrify's me I wont get pregnant again, I have to just let go of those negative thoughts and focus on what i want....which is to be a mum, and I know i will be! I just have to believe.
I cant help re the bleeding as I had erpc, hopefully things will stop soon and you can try again for that baby you are meant to have, i wish you all the very best x

Applecrumble - so sorry for you as well hun x
Hi ladies, I am so sorry for your losses. I had a mmc before my son back in June 2011. My mc was very long and a hard journey.
May 9th bfp at 5 weeks
Bled on and off, doctor told me to not worry.
17th June 10+5wks midwife wanted me to have early scan to check the bleeding.
20th June 11+1wks found out baby didn't grow past 5 weeks, nothing seen in sac.
27th June 12+1wks follow up scan, yolk sac seen, but growth not right. Still made to wait.
30th June 12+4wks mc started naturally at home.
4th July 13+1wks products still seen on scan, mc not complete yet.
Bleeding continued for a total of 9 weeks and several scans showing retained products.
26th Aug erpc operation.
23rd Sept first af arrived, 28 days after op.

So please push for help if nothing has happened within this next week ladies as it can be a very very long process waiting for it to happen naturally. My body clung on for 7 weeks after things stopped growing and then still didn't get rid of all of it itself.

Thinking of you both and hope for a quick process for you, not that makes it any easier. Big hugs :hugs: xxxx
Hey hun,
I was scanned at 10+4 and baby was 7+3. It took me 2 weeks after the scan to start bleeding but when the bleeding started, it took 3/4days for everything to come out.

If you don't want to pass naturally, you should insist that to them hun xxxx
Hi hun, I had a meltdown when I turned 30 too, it seems to be the age that we all think 'we would have done this and done that by the time I'm 30', I have since realised it is still young in regards to ttc, I know it doesn't feel like it right now though because you are going through such a rough time.
I had 2 natural miscarriages and one erpc, the natural ones were very different from one another so I think it varies. If you have any worries I would give the epu a call or even your GP x
Things are definately happening today for me...having a very heavy period!
Kanga thanks for posting for diary ...thats really interesting to know. Fx everything for both me and cosmo that are scans next week will show a clean sheet and we can move on.

I think if its not all cleared out I will INSIST on an operation to remove anything left behind...I want to move on...
So sorry applecrumble :( I hope this horrible time is over for you soon x
I had a medically managed m/c as scan showed baby had stopped growing at 14 weeks and I was just getting spotting which was what made me worry. I opted for a medical management as I was worried about infection etc and just wanted it over with and I passed everything in a day and bled for about a week after that. I think you can bleed anywhere from a few days to two weeks but I really hope its over by your 30th :)

Also 30 isn't old at all, many people do get pregnant in their 40s and a lot of people are waiting till their 30s to even start trying now so honestly time isnt against you :) . It seems people hit a wall a bit when they turn 30 and think about how their life should be and what they wanted to have achieved by now. But you have to think about all the things you have achieved in your life and everything you have that makes you happy, and that should leave you feeling more optimistic about it :) and you will get your extra sticky bean! :) xxx
So sorry for your loss. I had a MC last month at 5 weeks also. I bled heavily for a weekend then it tailed off. My instinct would be to see the doc next week if it's not getting any lighter. It's taken just over 5 weeks and I am now having the most horrendous period which just feels like an extra kick in the teeth!

I'd also agree with what some of the others have said about your age. Although I can empathise as I'm 32 this year and am still ttc #1. But as you say you'll probably relax about that part of it once you're a bit more settled. It doesn't sound selfish that you want it over by your birthday, I hope it is for you and you can manage to have a nice day. Take care of yourself xx
Hi hun, so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my baby earlier this week at around 5 weeks however I was bleeding from the moment I got my bfp last week. I've been bleeding for a week and 5 days now and over the past two days it's become very very light - a bit like the end of a period.
I had an early scan on Tuesday and the nurse could roughly predict how long I would bleed for judging by the thickness of my lining.
Massive massive
Thanks girls that's really helpful.

The bleeding definitely eased up yesterday so maybe it's coming to an end now. Just need to wait for the scan on Tuesday. If it's not showing and signs of improvements I think I'll ask for the operation again as I totally understand what you girls are saying about just wanting it over and being able to move on and try again xxx
Hey hun! Just wondering how you're doing? Message me if you need to chat xx

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