how long does it take sperm to become mature?

sarah jean

Feb 12, 2009
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Hi first child was a surprise to my husband and i and now we are trying for a second. its only been 3 months but i have no idea if i conceive easily or not. we were under the impression that the more we have sex the more likely we are to become pregnant. i was told recently that you should only have sex every 48 hourse because the sperm needs time to mature to be able to swim and fertalise the egg. does anyone know how true this is?
if the guy has low sperm count then that's true but with normal sperm count i think it's 24 hours to replenish his supplies :wink:
As Rose says, if your hubby has a normal sperm count then every day's fine but if it's low they advise every other day.

Good luck ttc #2....glad to see having one hasn't put you off!!!! :wink:

I think you just try for a while then they'll test it if you don't have success after a while. There's really nothing to worry about yet as you've just started trying.
What the ladies above said. Also, from the beginnings of being formed to maturity, it takes a sperm 3 months to be created by the body, so if he's doing anything like binge drinking or spending any amout of time in a hot tube 3 months earlier, it can affect his fertility now.
wow three months to form huh! its always about what the lady has to do before during and after pregnancy never gave it a thought what he was supposed to be doing!

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