Hi Gem1308, I got AF this month so I am out again. What's your situation if you don't mind me asking? Do you have regular periods etc? xxxBeen ttc for 11 months now xx
Hey MrsS15. Thank you for your response, I stopped taking the vitamins because I felt they were making me bloated and I read that on the internet, do you think its worth taking them? If so which ones? Yes I use the clear blue ov kit that predicts the four most fertile days, I have had all tests and so has my partner and all is fine, I have regular periods, I don't smoke age 32, I was pregnant when I was 16 but didn't go through with it and my partner already has 2 kids, but my fear is I haven't taken any contraception for years, I just avoided ovulation but that was before I realised how long the fertile window actually is.Hey,
I'm on month 15 ttc number 2. We had our son very easily just a couple of months after stopping the pill but this time we've had 2 early losses and obviously 15 months down the line. I've had bloods and scans etc and can't find anything wrong. I have 27 day cycles and as far as I'm aware I ovulate every month. People kept saying it can take a healthy couple a year (my gp said 9 months is actually the national average for a couple to get pregnant) but now I'm past that I want to tell them to shut up! I read people on here getting pregnant on their first month or a one off and I know it's so disheartening but try not to read that hun. Do you use ovulation tests? What vitamins have you tried? There's other natural remedies that are worth a try xx
Thank you that's really good to read and great to speak to someone in similar age brackets. This may sound silly but I don't know what fertile friendly lube is or preseed?I looked into a lot of vitamins and a lot didn't suit me as I do ovulate, I do get ewcm etc. I take seven seas trying for a baby instead of the pregnacare I was taking before and I've had no symptoms from taking them. I also started taking coenzyme q10 in march after a lot of research, the research shows they help improve fertility and cell production. A lot of mum's take them in the run up to ivf! It maybe a coincidence but I started taking them mid march and got pregnant the next month. Some other girls could recommend more but for me personally my body was doing the right things in tsrms of ovulation etc so i didn't want to mess with that. Have you tried fertile friendly lube? We mostly use preseed but there's conception plus too.
We started trying in may last year, had a loss in the October and then another loss in April. So 15 months all in! I'm 28 and my hubby is 33. We also both don't smoke, very rarely drink, eat healthy etc. There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to why it isn't happening
And thank you hun, I hope so too xx
Honestly thank you so much you have been so helpful, just looked at the sperm meets egg thing and def will try that this month. My doctors says every 3 days as well, can't bring myself to trust that though. Feels like we been trying it all as well lol. Sending you lots of hope that's it's your month this month xxx keep in touch would be nice to have someone to chat to xxxNot silly at all, it's just lubrication. Most lube used in sex isn't sperm friendly and can actually reduce your chances. Preseed or conception+ can be used in sex and work with your ewcm to help carry the sperm up. You can get either for around £10. Worth a look into hun!
I use the cheap ov tests and the clear blue. I 99% of the time know when I'm ovulating, I just use the tests to confirm it. I use the cheap tests to see the line progression and the clear blue when I'm getting a good second line on the cheapies. They've always coincided with each other thankfully. I mostly ovulate on day 14 but this month it was yesterday, day 13. With bding I think we've tried it all only doing it every few days one month to doing it every flipping day the next! Now we mostly start every second day from cd5/6 (depending on my shifts) then from day 11 to 14 we dtd every day. My gp said every 3 days your whole cycle is what is recommended so you don't miss ovulation. There's so many different theories! Here's some things you could try (ignore me if you've tried them or I'm blabbing on)..
Extra vitamins on top of your folic acid (vits for your oh too)
Fertile friendly lubrication
Cheap ovulation tests along side your clear blue
SMEP - sperm meets egg plan (give it a Google)
Orgasm after your oh erm finishes (again suppose to help carry the sperm up)
Old wives tales like legs in the air, lying down for 20 minutes after sex etc
Hoping you get your little baby soon hun! Xx
Hi Gem1308, I got AF this month so I am out again. What's your situation if you don't mind me asking? Do you have regular periods etc? xxxBeen ttc for 11 months now xx
Can I ask only if you all don't mind, when you get a positive opk, what pattern do / did you usually BD? xxx