How long before cycle gets back to normal


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Hi, I had my first AF after having Ewan on 15th March, and my second one on the 22nd April, I've not have any sign of anything else since and i estimate that i'm about a week+ overdue. I've never been regular and my cycle varies between 28 and 32 days. We are TTC a sibling for Ewan, so i have ordered some tests off of ebay. so will see if that comes up with anything - i've got not symptoms only that i have gone off sex! (just can't be bothered!)
This will sound weird but i don't want to test for just incase i am Preg?! some times worry that i won't cope with being preg and having a little obe too....
Sure i'll be fine but i do worry!!

Forgot to say i stopped BF'ing about a month ago
it may be that your body is still trying to get back to normal hun after stopping bfing but i would do a test all the same after having 2 afs at normal intervals like you did and then nothing in may it could well be that you are pg try not to worry about having a l/o so soon im sure you will cope just fine good luck hun and let us know what you decide to do xxxxxxxx
Thanks Rach, hopfully wil get the tests tomorrow. i will let you know either way!
good luck hun will be thinking of you xxxxxxx
I was clueless to this question sorry :oops: BUT lots of :pray: for you ... I'm sure your a great Mum :dance: x
Hi hun,

I hope you get your BFP soon, I think everyone worries about coping with 2 so close together, but my Mum reckons it was the best thing she ever did, as we helped keep eachother entertained and helped eachother through the years with starting school, new schools, moving etc etc!

Good Luck hun!

Tam x
best of luck to you. my brother and i are 11 months apart and we got on so well and it was great being close in age. :pray:

Im sorry you got a neg maybe its too early ot tell?
My bro and i are 10 months apart lol we fight like mad but only cuz he gets into trouble and im the protective older sister .
my last AF was 22nd April so i am well over due, so back to the drawin board.
sorry you didnt get your BFP hun maybe your body is still settling after stopping bfing xxxxxxxxxxx
Got af from hell on friday, i usually get a bit of a warning before i start but no not this time stood up and felt things leak..euhg,,, soryy tmi!!
hey sorry AF came and you didn't get BFP this month. soon AF will be over and its time to start a fresh and wishing you loads of luck and babydust :pray:
sorry af came for you hun good luck ttc next month xxxxxxxxxx

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