How are those of you who work coping?

I only found out im pregnant yesterday but have been struggling to get out of bed last few weeks but cant sleep at night, last night was the worst worrying about money and my OH not being happy about the pregnancy etc so far I haven't found work hard going once im actually here but its very early days yet and I don't have too many symptoms (didn't think I was pregnant went to docs for a UTI!) although certain small things like the state of my skin, and how bloated I am make sense now I know I am pregnant I just thought I was going to come on soon! :oops:
I found out that I was PG on Dec 15th. I only had a week at work before christmas but it was awful. Lack of concentration, extreme tiredness and well as trying to dodge Christmas party alcohol without being sussed. In the end I pretended to be on antibiotics and that allowed for all my symptoms. I got through to Christmas and felt quite yuck. Fortunately I didn't have to go straight back to work as I don't think I could have. I was getting really bad headaches along with all the other symptoms. The day before going back (last Thurs) I felt so bad that I was dreading it. I have 3 hr commuting and work a long day so leave home at 7am and get back after 7pm. Anyhow Thurs and Friday have been really good. I have found ways of beating nausea (peppermint tea and ginger beer seem to work for me) and I seem to have found new energy. Not sure whats happened as I am only 9wks but I'm enjoying it while it lasts!
I am finding work is getting easier now! (I think Im around 12 weeks - still waiting for dating scan).

I work in an office too, and have AWFUL nausea, as well as a rotten tube journey each way. I was finding it terribly difficult, and by 3pm I was panicking about how I would stay awake. I am finding that battling through it, seems to be working! Its getting better now, and not so difficult. Although the tube journey (I often cant get a seat as its so packed) is definately the worst part. (DONT move to London and rely on the tube lines if your pregnant!!!)

I think by 12 weeks your exhaustion really lifts, generally.

I know exactly what you mean with regards to the collapsing to snooze on sofa at 6pm, and then going straight to bed!!! My flatmates thought I was very lazy!!!

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