How horrible is this?! :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I went to see my nanan on Sunday and she told me she’d had some trouble with her neighbour.

Basically some kids were kicking apples about on the street and kicked one on my nanans neighbours garden. The women came out and shouted at the kids and the little lass who did it started gobbing back. The women went into her house and brought a kitchen knife out and slashed the girls hand as she covered her face to protect herself. She ran off screaming and the women slashed her arms and face and called an ambulance and the police. The police came and arrested the girl and women and took all the kitchen knifes out of the lasses house. The girls been let out now not sure about the women. The women said the girl had attacked her, shes only 15!!!

How sick is she? Shes already said she’ll drown my granddad when hes out fishing and shes constantly causing trouble on the street.
What a bloody nutter! I would stay well clear of her!
She sounds abit mental to me :?

So the girl didn't get charged in the end? I'd go mad if someone did that to my kid :x
frangelle said:
She sounds abit mental to me :?

So the girl didn't get charged in the end? I'd go mad if someone did that to my kid :x

they could only hold her for 24 hours because shes only 15, but they took all the knives out of her house. Her mum went crazy and wanted to know what theyve taken from the nutters house. :x she makes me so angry, shes been reported loads of times and the police arnt interested.
jenna said:
frangelle said:
She sounds abit mental to me :?

So the girl didn't get charged in the end? I'd go mad if someone did that to my kid :x

they could only hold her for 24 hours because shes only 15, but they took all the knives out of her house. Her mum went crazy and wanted to know what theyve taken from the nutters house. :x she makes me so angry, shes been reported loads of times and the police arnt interested.

OMG so the woman has been let off? was there any witnesses?
im not sure whats happend to the women, but the young lass has been let out. All the kids she was playing with saw her do it, my nanan saw her run off screaming. And some people were asking every one if theyd seen anything suspicous and my aunty said if anythings gone off its probably the women next door and they police lady said 'i cant comment' so not sure whats going to happen :? I think if theyd used there common sence its obvies whats happend, what 15 year old carried kitchen knives when there out playing in the street? :?
jenna said:
I think if theyd used there common sence its obvies whats happend, what 15 year old carried kitchen knives when there out playing in the street? :?

Unfortunately the police/CPS don't think like that unfortunately. Because when the CPS see it they are just looking at a piece of paper, not people.

But I hope this person gets locked up or something. The other ladies are right, she sounds barking! :shock:
I know :( it makes me so angry! Shes gobbed off at my nanan and said her grandkids cant come over because we all 'hang around' on the street! Shes even set up a camera and pointed in on my nanans garden. The police have told her to take it down but she wont!!

I were teaching my cousin to ride his bike a few months ago and she came out with her brother and shouted at us to 'piss off' i ignored her and she walked right up to us and started snogging her brother! :shock: we moved away and she laughed and went into her house. Its not the 1st time shes done that either. I dont know why she does its kinda perverted (even if he wasnt her brother, why would you do that?) :shock:
Surely the police would realise it was the womans knife, plus her prints would be all over it andthe girls wouldn't

Good grief! How awful. Sounds to me like this woman needs treatment. She can't be right in the head. That poor girl.

Pity her camera wasn't pointing onto the street. Then she'd have been hoist by her own petard.
This is terrible...but on a lighter note I luuuurve the phrase "hoist on your own petard".. :oops: I don't know why but everytime I hear it I smile :rotfl:

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