wow how can people be so nasty


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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i met a girlthe other day who moved in at the pub that has a 12 month old a 9 month old and is 8 months pregnant and is a single mother and moving on top of the pub im sorry but how does she cope or how will she cope shes got no family around and just move her obv to moving in to the pub. shes going to find it hard living here no kitchen facilities except the pub kitchen 1 room with 3 kids in it too this is no place for kids we barely have room with everything of amys (half of its been takeing to the flat now) the rooms are small not really a place for kids. best of all social services is in volved with her how can they let her move in here with no facilities she needs a house or needs to go back to her parents shes quite young her baby dad is in prison for armed robbery of pubs and is due to be released soon oh dear this place better get beter security im glad im moving out . shes happily sitting down stairs telling everyone about herself and throwing her self at people even my oh im like woaw why have they employed something like her knowing there reputation will go down her kids all have different dads too. she is also taking the pee she keeps coming to the door every night every 5 mins saying she needs this or that. after about 11 the alarms go on inthe building is if you open a door or walk thru th one at the bottom of the stairs you can get thru to restrant to half way the alarm will go off so she knows all this so she gets up goes down stairs sets the alarms off opens every single door(when this happens the police get notified by the alarm ompany as they have to reset he alarm from there end) ends up with a roit van and 4 police cars outside akes amy up shes screaming by this tym the girl is back in the room then every room is searched were searched amy cot is stripped room a tipp due to searches case we nicked something. they search her room find a bottle of voddie a few crisps and her 9 month old chocking on crisps she was feeding him so she says she bought them they belive her and shit.

today one of the lads that work onthe bar gts accused of nicking as they find the bottle missing and he gets fired, with immediate effect we have al sed it wasnt him as how can he whn he doesnt live here. next thing she runs away lesving her two kids here today didnt return or nothing the kids having noone i look after them till social get here amy enjoying herself playing with them. social comes takes them away amy crying so i go into town sitting in greggs she comes strolling in and asks me for everything i have money phone alsorts i sed no and she threatens me with a pen knife thingy sed if i didnt she cut me or hurt amy some man wrestled her got stabbed in the hand she then proceeds to push amy chair over ( amy is un harmed but shaken) luckly theres community police about outside greggs so the lass in the shop gets them to get her and shes arrested and taken away. i was shaken up and shocked amy is ok after getting checked out why would people do this when you show them kindness and help them out shes been at the pub for a couple of days now and ive looked after her kids and fed them whiles shes been working. i try to be nice i get repayed by attempted mugging and threats and my daughter being pushed over in her pushchair and a poor old man got stabbed in the hand (not to old about 60) i feel so down at the mo sorry about the long post/rant :(

she has been released back to the pub on bail with her kids for the time being a social worker is also stopping on site so that she keeps tabs where she going so she wont go near me or amy.
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sorry if it doesnt make sense at all im still in shock even thou it happened this afternoon
:shock: She sounds awful! How can they let her look after these kids if she's going around stabbing people :eh: Glad you and Amy are ok though :hug: How does she have a 12 month old and a 9 month old?
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God that sounds awful :shock:

Im sorry you and LO had to get caught up in that, glad your both ok :hugs:
it turns out that theyve been looking for her she ran off with her sister 9 month old kid after saying they were going to the shop. the lass is only 17 too and social didnt even know till they got here yesterday. i feel sorry for her sister. ho could she just run off with her sisters baby she told me all three were hers too them poor kids i feel sory them being thru all this too. the baby is now back with his mother shes at the police station and the 12 month old is in temp care for the weekend till they figure out what there going to do with him. i felt sorry for her i helped her out the few days she was here for her to try mug me push my lil girl over and to stab a man she ran away from bradford her sister phoned me to thank me for looking after her baby obv i had no idea at the time that the 9 month old was hers im not good with maths so could work out that you cant have a 9 month old and a 12 month old. she also apologised for what he sister did and wouldnt blame me if i pressed charges on her sister shes in court on monday, her sster sed that she will be going to young offenders as she also pressing charges of kidnap.
:hug: sounds awful, her poor sister must be mortified...
yeah she was as she reported them missing had all police out looking in bradford but they were no where to be seen then called off the search and give up looking she sed she give up all hope of getting him back till this incedent happened yesterday she was in tears on the phone and asked if its alright if she kept in touch i wasnt to keen at first but oh sed that that would be no harm in meeting her but meet her here at the pub where theres people around but me trusting people atm has gone down hill

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