How far can your 2.5 year old walk?


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
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Just wondering how far your little ones can walk really. My daughter is 2 years 4 months and loves her buggy a worrying amount. She'll happily walk if there are other kids around and will get very cross if I try and put her in the buggy then however at other times she wants to be picked up instantly. Today she walked all the way to her playgroup which is just over a mile away but then towards the end of the group got very tired and grumpy with a couple of impressive tantrums.
She was born quite anaemic, recovered then at 10 months her iron levels dipped again but after she properly established weaning they picked up again. My worry is that they might dip again and her reluctance to walk might be an indication. So I just wanted to post this to see if it was just normal toddler fickleness before I maybe talk to the gp about another blood test.
Thanks in advance!x
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My daughter is 6 months younger than yours and wants to walk all the time but half a mile is about her limit (and involves a lot of faffing around usually). We usually walk to the local shop which is half a mile away but I always take the pushchair for the way back as I learnt the hard way that she's too tired to walk there and back! So I'd say walking over a mile sounds pretty good going x
My son is two and three months and he can vary from day to day. Sometimes he's happy to be wandering around all day, others he's asking to be carried or go in the buggy as soon as we leave the house! I wouldn't expect him to manage much more than a mile before getting tired. We have a double buggy and I'm expecting to need it until he's three to be honest.
Thanks both! That's reassuring to hear she's similar to your little ones.xx
DS is just coming up to 2y 6m.

For the last few months, he's been a non-stop walker, at home.
Literally can't get him to sit down for the entire 12 hoursish he's up.

He is perfectly capable of walking to nursery (just over a mile). Throws a huge tantrum after about a quarter of it, and wants in the buggy.

Awkward things xx
My princess is the same age. We don't take the buggy anywhere anymore as she just won't go in it! She can walk up to a couple of miles but has frequent tantrums and laying down on the floor! I wish she would entertain the buggy as it can be a nightmare tbh x
B went through a phase of refusing the buggy and wanting to walk everywhere, now he's the opposite and hates walking!
Harry is almost 3 and doesn't like the pushchair atall anymore.
At just over 2 it varies from day to day and we wanted to be carried/pushed a lot so don't worry! I think it just varies x
My middle child always refused to walk anywhere, he was such a lazy toddler :). My youngest who is 2 1/2 love to walk everywhere but about a mile is his limit, after this he starts to dawdle, whinge and moan. He will never admit defeat so I normally end up having to wrestle him in to his pushchair lol
Thanks all for your feedback, it seems that she's managing about the standard amount so that's nice and reassuring to know. I did notice today whilst we were visiting friends that when she was walking with just me and my heavily pregnant friend she happily walked but when my husband and friends husband joined us again she wanted to be picked up by daddy immediately. I'm thinking with me she knows I'm going to be either holding her little sister in the harness or pushing her in the buggy so I'm not going to pick her up as quickly as her dad. Who knows but I'm just glad it's normal toddler behaviour!
James hasn't had a pram since Bee arrived (so he was 26 months). I do have a buggy 'just in-case' but haven't had to use it. We do have a sitty down buggy board but in the past few months we've used it less and less.

James loves walking and we've actually just bought him a scooter (which is going to take a lot of practice) but if ever James is out for the day with daddy or his uncle - his uncle takes him for the day once a week to give me a break bless him and daddy makes sure they do stuff most weekends - they don't take the buggy. Just lots of regular rests but James can clock up miles on a day out.

We don't tend to venture as far afield but he can easily walk a few miles with me. I have recently got a pedometer and James does almost as many steps as me some days!!!


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