When could your toddler walk up and down flights of stairs?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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This is probably a silly sounding question, but at what age was your toddler able to walk up/down stairs?

We are thinking of moving to a flat on the 3rd floor of a building (really nice flat) and that is one of the issues we have. Our LO is almost 9 months and I guess will be standing possibly walking in the next 6 months or so. He has been crawling for a while etc. We currently live in a 2nd floor flat and I have to carry him and the buggy downstairs when we go out. I'm just wondering if it will be ok to move into a 3rd floor flat as at somepoint he will be able to walk down on his own (with me holding his hand) as it is very hard to find ground floor flats with the requirements we want in the area we want and the flat we saw looked lovely otherwise and desperate to move out of the flat we are currently in.
Hannah could walk up a flight of stairs by a year easily, she was walking at 10 months
Jams 1 and a bit and he has to walk up and down the stairs cos I refuse to carry him unless hes asleep lol :lol:

he holds my hand when we walk down and I have no shopping bags but when we get in he has to go up first with me behind holdin all the bags

we are the same Dinski, our flats fab but on the 2nd floor - all the flats we saw for the ground floor were much smaller? :think:

its good exercise too :lol:
Aimee started doing it confidently at around 18 months and now at 25 months she does it on her own and go right behind her (on way up)
Kai has been fine going up for ages. Probably when he started walking he picked it up quick. Now I go up behind him.

Going down is a different story, he can do it fine, but I am always holding his hand, he isn't as confident and I worry about him falling as he goes very fast down.
My son used to crawl up and down the stairs even before he could walk, he was doing that at about 8 months, just taught him safely to come down backwards rather than head first! I think it helped though as he was so confident on the stairs that by the time he was walking, he started to walk the stairs almost immediately (about 11 months). But then stairs in the home are slightly different to stairs up to a flat, which are probably steeper, harder and more of them! You shouldn't have any problems though, and remember the more they do it, the better they will do it!
Thanks for all your replies, they have been really helpful :hug: Just hope we can move :pray:
Ellis has been crawling up the stairs since about 11 months and still has to crawl now cos his little legs are too short to get up walking. But only last month he was been walking down holding my hand....... but these are home stairs so they are steeper then public stairs i think xxxx
Erin was up the stairs well before she was a year old - must have been around 9 or 10 months. Was a scary moment & necessitated a quick trip t'shops to buy some gates. :)
Thea has been able to go up and down the stairs since she was about a year old.

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