how early can u use a doppler?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
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hey girls just wondering how early u can use one? i read you can from nine weeks? and as im nearly there im thinking of investing? seeing as i cant have an early scan lol.
but at the same time i dont wanna be disappointed having to wait ages to hear one either?

thank you :)

Make a pregnancy ticker
I read most of the reviews on Amazon and the angelsounds one is around 9 weeks. I've ordered mine and it's been dispatched, eek!
I got the heartbeat at 10 weeks I think. I have been told not to use mine tho by my midwife cos I have cysts on my ovaries and the pressure could cause me pain or them to burst so just be careful with the amount of pressure you apply hunny xxxxxxxxxxxx
I have mine on the way, can't wait for its arrival!!!!!! X
She said for me that it could be yeah but that's cos I have the cysts. Don't want to burst your bubble hunny but maybe wait until you have had a scan so you can make sure the pressure would be safe for you xxxxxxxxxx
BTW, a few of my friends said that they got addicted to their dopplers so I'm going to try and use mine once a week only, just to make sure the heartbeat is still there!!! frightened to death that I'm going to lose it but I guess there is nothing I can do if that does happen.

How is everyone else feeling? I just want my 12 week scan to come quickly - 24th october - when is everyone elses? xx
Oh I want one of these but will wait just incase xx
I've heard the heartbeat 3 times - most amazing sound in the world!! x
I got mine from amazon - £24 including delivery xx

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