How does it feel when baby is engaged?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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So far my baby has done everything exactly when my pregnancy book says (s)he will... From making noticeable movements to positions, etc. My book tells me first babies often engage at 36 weeks... So I am expecting it soon! However, another book I read had a quote about how it felt when the head was engaged and now I'm just a little terrified. If this baby does engage this week, I will have to bus it back and forth to work for another two weeks with the feeling, so please someone tell me what to expect!
I didn't even notice when Aaron engaged. He engaged from 36 weeks and I couldn't tell the difference. I don't know if this one is engaged or not because the midwife hasn't said but I have a lot of pressure in my legs. I have heard that 2nd babies don't tend to engage though so I'm not sure.
i'm not sure if i have engaged or not, but at my last appointment, M/W told me bambino was head-down. since then i have had awful backache, and pains in my hips and i keep getting cramp. (dont know if these are signs... i'll find out 2morrow at 37wk appoinment). i posted this morning about my belly bump changing, it has gone "flabby" below my belly-button line, suggestions that this is because babies head has engaged.
I was trying to avoid saying it, but the quote mentioned being able to feel a definite head shape in her pelvis, and that they felt similar to a giant nutcracker. D:
My baby engaged at 36 weeks slightly. At that time i didnt notice a difference. However now that LO has become more deeply engaged it feels like i have been riding a bike for hours (you know like that bruised feeling you get)... might just be me tho :think: That's how id describe it tho xx

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