How do you think people see you?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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I realised today, I actually have no idea how I come acroos to people. I mean people I meet for the first time, really, not my friends, they've already caught on that I'm an idiot :lol: :lol:

For instance, I change personality about every 2 seconds, I don't have one particular "style" but dress according to mood ( and I mean literally) and one minute I can be all hyper and friendly, but at times, for no apparent reason, I can be really shy,although I am fairly confident as a rule. And i get called a "weirdo" constantly so i suppose it takes a while to get used to me.

I always think I come across as nice enough, if perhaps a touch eccentric, but I can really see how people could take me the wrong way, IYKWIM?
And plus, because you are yourself, it is hard to see how others view you :lol:

Is this just because I'm pretty young,and haven't settled into a particular pattern yet?

Did Hitler actually think he was charming and fair minded?

Who knows? :lol: :lol:
I have been told by a few really good friends that before they actually become really good friends of mine they thought i was bitchy and a bit up myself........ :rotfl:

How wrong were they, they only admit it now they know me well.
Its because when i first meet new people i like to listen to people rather than talk, so i just take a back seat and watch, which i guess if i'm not known to people does look like im acting stuck up.

I wouldn't say i'm shy, as im a really confident person i just dont like to jump into conversations and end up looking a fool...........
It takes people a few meets to get used to me generally I get on with everyone but I either click with someone right away or it will take a few meets in a way I tend to decide who I want to like me I can get along with someone when I want to but if I don't like you then I won't make the effort then there can be mutual hate.
I also get alot of cutesy treatment, forever being told people want to wrap me in cotton wool and look after me. Im very very ditzy and get seen as a bit thick but thats because I choose what I do or dont want to know about if you are talking about something that interests me then I can be quite cleaver! Far too stubborn and can be quite blunt but get away with it due to the cotton wool thing! I also fumble and blab on too much and say things that dont really need to be said!!!

Oh and have been told that me and Lee Evans should have a love child because the babe would be so funny! And I get called weirdo lots too! But its always in a nice way if that makes sense! I would rather get called weird than Biatch!
Each of my friends have told me that on first meeting me they thought I was stuck up :lol: how wrong can you be :rotfl: I have to say these are meetings that have taken place when I was younger so i think that had something to do with it. I used to be shy but guess that lack of confidence around new people came across as stand offish.

I think I maybe come across different now but i'm not sure, I try to be a lot more chatty with people I meet for the first time now mainly because of people saying that about me.

It is difficult to know what people truly think of you on first impressions though isn't it.

FYI Zeb I thought you came across really friendly and confident at the meet and not at all shy! :D
zebreastripes u come across as really witty and smart, and ur very friendly and funny and really, really, really mature for your age!

iv been told mixed things- one of my friends thinks im hilarious, really really eccentric and funny! i kinda like that :D
another of my friends- that year when nicki grahame was on big brother, she pointed at the screen and said "omg- rachel, that is YOU!" i used to be a bit of a brat :oops:

the most misplaced one iv been told is that im really confident, outgoing and independent- im so not- altho i do try to front like i am, so can understand why i might seem so!
I have no idea lol!
I do often think that people think Im dumb! LOL Im quite silly sometimes! lol
Some people just dont like me straight away and I have no idea why as Im always nice to people I dont know! (though not so nice to those I do lmao jk)
But generally people chat to me so i guess they see me as friendly ?
I dont really care lol ! If someone doesnt like me then that is their problem lol
Zebrastripes, I have never chatted to you but I have read some of your posts and you always seem smart and friendly and very screwed on iykwim?
i don't think i come across here like i am in real life judging by some comments.i don't know how i come across but am thinking perhaps i seem a bit stand offish :?
good question- i've been told by OH and my sister that i can be blunt and can come across as rude even though they know me and know i actually don't mean it at all i'm really friendly- i think i'm being funny but some ppl don't get my humour! also i'm blind as hell and i don't wear my glasses so lots of ppl thought i was giving them evils before they knew me properly..i think i come across as whingy on here coz i often come and vent when i don't have anyone to talk to during the i apologize for that!!
OH and friends have said they all think im posh :doh:

I dont know how I come across on here but Im REALLY shy with people I dontknow it takes a few times meetiting for me to be myself it that makes sense :rotfl:
beanie said:
i don't think i come across here like i am in real life judging by some comments.i don't know how i come across but am thinking perhaps i seem a bit stand offish :?

On the contrary, I think you come across as very warm and engaging, in RL and online.

I think I come across differently to different people, but think I probably seem quite optimistic, generally confident yet a bit scatty with the details.

Which would be spot on :D
People regard me as stand offish and cold - I dont know why, im quiet anf tend too keep myself to myself but its just the way ive become since having kids, quiet and a bit withdrwn and being overweight hasnt made mw the most social person either.
How do you all regard me? honestly.

Zebra I think your fantastic and far older then your years in a good way. Your witty and funny and a fab mum.
I think my (old) friends would say I was loud, confident and very friendly & chatty but I think i've changed alot since I've had Harrison, so anyone who knew me would probs say I'm very shy, not confident, inpatient and avoid socialising :(
Probably a bit weird lol! I tend to make closer friends if I get to know people on the net before theyre subjected to me first :lol: I'm extremely dry humoured and some people dont quite know how to take that. I'm also intensely shy and dont trust easily.

Just met a local mum and she's my kinda person, very straight talking, comes across as very confident when in fact she's dosed herself up on coffee all morning to cope with it and by then is on the point of mania, not a jot of pretence in her. Where I live you see all the phil and teds & bugaboo prams parked outside the playgroups, we're like the poor relatives but hey we dont give a ..... :lol:
I'm very quiet and shy when you 1st talk to me. Although i am getting better. But once you get to know me people think i'm a bit crazy! I'm very blonde at times too. I just try and be nice. I never judge people 1st off unless they really, really bug me.
:lol:I think I come across as quite friendly although people don't expect it.

Sometimes, I think that because I'm a young mum I'm going to be chavvy and thick and it suprises them when I'm not. I do talk like an Essex girl but thats my OHs fault! I was really well spoken before I met him! I know for a fact that I come across older than 19 because I constantly have to tell people! :rotfl:

I also find that if I dress myself up people are a bit wary of talking to me for some reason. I think they have this opinion that anyone who can look pretty must be up their own arse. :think:

:oops: Now I sound really bi-headed saying I know I'm clever and pretty! :rotfl: You lot know what I mean... :wink:

Off here, I've only met up with Sam&Alice and she comes across just like she is in her posts- smiley and happy! :lol:
I really don't know how I come across to people to be honest. My mates know me as a joker but I don't know how people think of me when they first meet me.
Interesting thread :think:

When I'm with a group of women, I tend to not say much because they talk for the sake of talking whereas I only like to talk when I have someone useful / worth while saying :oops: So I think I appear to be quiet but im quietly confident. To be honest, I would rather talk to men!
A bit bonkers to my friends and family.

Anyone else might find me either

welcoming and cheerful


a bit scary

depends on my mood and the situation.

I have a large personality which over the years has mellowed greatly so I tend to be more low key than in my 20's and early 30's.

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