how do you ladies do it?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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i apologise in advance for the long thread!! but i would really love some tips and advice! i'll try to make it short!

basically..... when me and oh were living in italy (when i was pregnant)we had our own apartment & it was great! school hours over there are different to the uk, i worked from 8am-2pm and then i taught private from 3pm-8/9pm... exhausting but i loved my job! we dedicated weekends to house work/cleaning/batch cooking etc!!

school over there finishes in june.. so at 6months pregnant i finished at school and continued to work privately until semptember. (lo was born in oct)

at this point i started to get alot of problems...fainting/nausea/sickness everyday/losing weight/anaemia...list is endless. luckily for me, my oh dad was monitering my pregnancy as he is a gynocologist and has his own private studio there which ment scans for me every few weeks, chekups name it, i was very lucky!!! he even delivered my lo!!!

it had always been our intention to move back to th uk in dec, & at this point oh parents suggested we move in with them to save money n soo they cud keep an eye on me...... 2 doctors in the house etc

oh was well up for it. although it was great i lost my independence of 'running the house'..they have a maid who cooked cleaned ironed etc.... i did nothing! i am very gratful n nt complaining at all... howver.... i think this has been a disadvantage for me as up to now i havent had the 'real' experience of being a mum/housewife! ive been here at mums sice 23rd dec n finally next wk we move to our apartment in london & im so excited but at the same time dnt know how i'll cope. mum helps loads with marley in the evenings & sometimes i have to tell her to stop interfereing lol as i want to do it on my own! but in the day its me n him n there doesnt seem to be enuff hrs in the day to do everything!!! mum here does all the ironing etc... i help with cooking n cleaning but its exhausting. i cant wait to be a 'proper' family me oh n lo been out n got loads of godies 4 house n cleaning stf etc (geek lol)...but im worried about getting everything done i was still in pjs at midday and cnt remember last time i wore makeup!! dont get me wrong i knew it would be hrd n i love every moment with marley but hes very demanding n hates being left on his mat or in his basket too long!!

how do u ladies juggle cleaning cooking you time baby time oh time??? im having a down day i guess ahhhh. is it just me or are any of you like this too?!?!
Aw your be ok :) I clean when Charley's asleep. The only me time I get is evening hence why he goes to bed at 7.30 so I have the night to myself! I also don't try to be wonder woman! I do bits of housework but don't do everything in one day! I Hoover, wash up, cook etc everyday but I don't dust of clean the bathroom everyday, only twice a week!
Your get there and love having your own place :)
dont worry i had a totally simular thread a few months back. my dy today.
woke up fed finley
had my own breakfast
did the dished whilst finley played.
eventually had a shower
went food shopping at 2pm
it took me until 2pm to get ready!! nightmare. every day seems to be like this. i suppose this is just what a being a mum is like.
if ur not dressed by dinner time who cares!!!!! in my eyes this time with your baby is special the house work can wait until OH gets in.
i try my best and do at least 1 job a day. maybe do an hour of ironing or clean the fridge out
thanks ladies! my lo doesn't have a set bedtime so i feel like i have no 'me' time whatsoever!!! we had to be at clinic at 10am last week and i was up at 6am and we got there at half 10!!!! lol. i think everything will fall into place when we move (i hope so) im full of a cold atm and i think i was just having a bad day!!!! thanks for reading such a long post!!!!
dont worry ive had a bad day 2. i only had to walk outta the room and finleys screamed. he's teething has been so mard today. u'll get your own routine when ur in your own place.
i think a set bedtime is so important so that you and OH can have time together.
I could write your exact post! Tegan goes to bed at 8.30pm so i wasH up then and had a bath. i get up at 6am do some housework have breakfast and get dressed then Tegan gets up at 7.30 she doesn't nap much in the day but if she does i do some more housework. i went to a baby group last friday and it started at 9 its the earliest i've been out the house since having Tegan! x
dont worry ive had a bad day 2. i only had to walk outta the room and finleys screamed. he's teething has been so mard today. u'll get your own routine when ur in your own place.
i think a set bedtime is so important so that you and OH can have time together.

i try to leave him play etc while i make lunch, or do bottles but i can never do a job properly unless he sleeps! today he didnt nap which made it 100 times worse! he was so cranky and wanted me to hold him all the time!!! i try to get him in bed for 8, he has a bat at 7/7.30 but he doesnt always settle... he's still wide awake now but i've just left him with his music and light show!!! hes a stubborn chappy!!! i miss my time with oh!!
I am the same, it is nearly impossible to be dressed by midday and it isn't for trying.
What does help is making arrangements to meet up with another Mumu or go along to a group at least once a week.

I am learning not to stress if i am late places, we will get there when we can.
It's only now that i'm in a sort of routine with everything. I don't get much me time though! Drake wakes at 6am, i feed him and he goes back down till 8.30-9am. That gives me time to sort the other boys out, do sandwiches, make beds etc.. Drake wakes up, i send the kids to school its then i feed him again and get us both dressed. All through out the day i try and hoover, wash floors, polish, go out. Evening is a bit manic with everyone here! Once the baby is in bed its back down to tidy, do bottles and go to bed! Never ending but worth it! The first 3 months my house was such a pigsty and i barely had time for a wash lol I didn't care though, i didn't care about the house...the mess was always there for me to sort out on the weekend when hubby is home properly. Me time probably consists of having a long soak in the bath in the evenings now. I had a huge clear out 2 weeks ago when hubby was home for a week so i've managed to keep on top of things now thankfully!

Ps.. i don't think i could do things upstairs if it wasn't for my swing! Its a godsend sometimes.
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id say get used to no me time untill your lil one sleeping thru but the time u get will be different to what your used to pre kids
as to housework i hoover everyday and do kitchen rest gets done as and when i get 5 mins
ah yup i remember many times not getting myself dressed until OH got home from work at 6pm!!

how do you cope?...
cook food forthe freezer, dont beat yourself up if you have a pizza/fastfood occasionaly for dinner. stock up on ready to eat foods, i used to make a sandwich for myself when OH was home in the evening for the next day so i could just grab it from the fridge with 1 hand!! your house will be a mess, the hoovering and dusting will probably happen only at weekends when there are 2 of you. and dont underestimate the joys of a service wash at the laundrette, and investing in a dishwasher!! you'll be fine, just dont put too much pressure on yourself :)
The thing is not to panic - i've found the chair H got for xmas is good as he can sit in it and watch me do bits - he's fine but sometimes i have to talk to him but he can also sleep in the chair as the back lays flatter!!
I am still recovering from a broken ankle so couldnt physically do anything and i am now starting to get my house straight!!!
I try to do the basics everyday - but try to do one other job as well (i still have to be careful with my leg!!) just try not to stress and it will all come together!!
thanks for the replies ladies!!! i had a MUCH better today today..more or less. lo is actually fast asleep, he had a 6oz bottle plus porridge and is sleeping like an angel!! (for now) .. i still wasnt dressed by midday tho.... heheh ;)

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