what were your first symptoms??


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2007
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asked this is ttc but got no answers so far n am impatient atm lol!! basically i have had so many symptoms 4 about 6 weeks now but had 1 peirod about a week in but it was all strange and v light and was on then off then on again etc n only 4 about 4 days!!! ave all these symptoms -
feelin sick especially in mornins n ave been a few times
some foods r makin me feel so sick all the time...even just the smell of them!
need a wee all the time n wnt just bout every hr 2day
boobs hurt every now n again
butterflies in my stomach every now n again especially wen i lie down
sore bk n cramps sumtimes
my cervix is really high n soft n open tmi lol
wee smells weird n so does my discharge tmi lol

er thats bout it...lol....dnt no wot 2 fink =[ HELP!! lol...AF due in few days!! ave no symptoms of that tho n usually do...just am confused!! took test last wed n woz neg...wot shall i do?? do u fink i culd b preg?? or is it just my body being evil?? i dnt really like dream or nothin 2 b preg lol so cnt b like psychological or nothin...ne ideas as to wot 2 do coz i am so confused rite now!! thanks guys xxxx
sore boobs
weeing very often
feeling slightly queasy first thing in th morning

hope u get ur bfp x
missed period
sore boobies
very tired
sickness kicked in this morning at 4am!!!
Extremely tired and going off alcohol were my only symptons :D
Stomach cramps
Feeling queasy, especially after tea/coffee
Suddenly needing the loo desperately

good luck :)
my only real 1st symptom was I completly went off chicken!!!!

I had sore boobs but always got sore boobs before my period anyway and I was tired but was working a 7 day week all through the summer season so had put it down to that
Sore boobs
missed period
weeing a lot
exrteme fatigue (the symtom I hated the most :x )
Redshoes said:
Extremely tired and going off alcohol were my only symptons :D

i got that :o

look forward to more of your symptoms and cravings :wink:
So tired. I went to bed at 10pm one night and at the time I was never in bed before midnight.

Lower back ache
I knew something was amiss when I missed my period (which came on like clockwork). Also had really sore boobs and just felt very odd. Looking back I also kept hurting myself - I kept pulling things - tripped over the iron lead and nearly yanked my arm out of its socket, they jumped off a wall and hurt my ankle and just turned my head and it cricked - was all the relaxin hormone kicking in.

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