How do you cope?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Please tell me it gets a little bit easier, I really don't feel like I'm coping at the moment it's all I think about and just seem to cry constantly. It's all so very raw (happened Wed) and a constant reminder whenever I go to the toilet.

Hi Mindy, I'm so sorry that you have lost your baby, with time it does get easier, initially I felt shock, anger, why me, a feeling of emptiness that I hadn't experienced before. It's all part of the grieving process, but time is a great healer, it's early days for you, make sure to get support from family & friends. You will get through this and you will feel stronger over time xxx
Mindy I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. As hard as this is it does get easier.
I have two children to my ex and my hubby has none. Me and my hubby have had 7 early miscarriages (6th was pul) and then this past December we delivered our beautiful daughter sleeping and straight into the arms of the I coped and got through it I really don't know but I did! I have been through every emotion grief/why me/hatred/shock/emptiness/loneliness (even when your surrounded by people) and I thought to myself "my babies deserve the best and I don't want them to see me upset when they are looking down on me" and I think that helped by thinking they are with my loved ones watching over me so I had to out on a brave face for them. If that makes sense?!

Friends and family used to tell me that I would "get over it in time" and don't get me wrong.....I never will get over it, all my losses still bring me to tears but it does get easier with time. I never believed that would be true especially when I was at my own daughters funeral I thought I would always feel this way and my heart was broken and although there is a huge part of my heart missing it has got easier.
Try talking to sands! I would have down days and ring them just to talk .... It allows you to open up and get it off your chest and they are amazing.
I hope you can find some comfort soon. If you ever want to talk feel free to pm me xx
Thank you so much for taking time to share your story and I am so very sorry for your losses, thank you for your kind words xx
Sorry for your loss. It does get easier, it's cliche but time heals. You will never 'get over it' but slowly you will come to terms with it.

Look after yourself hun and keep communicating with your oh ( i didn't at times and it made things harder) xxx
Im so sorry for your loss! It is the worst experience Ive ever been through but it does get easier. It takes time and you have to grieve and spend time with your oh. Take care! Xx
Hi Mindy

I am so sorry for your loss.

I have had 8 mc's and it does get easier with time but the pain will always be there. It only happened 2 days ago with you hon and you have to let yourself grieve for that and cry as much as you need to.

My last mc was October last year and I still struggle with coming to terms with it but you have for the sake your sanity and other people around you.

It is not an easy thing to go through but I promise you, it does get better with time.

Chin up hon xxxxx
Hi Mindy,

It always makes me sad to hear of yet another woman suffering the heartache of a loss.

Just take it day by day (or even hour by hour) and be kind to yourself.

Make sure you eat and drink and rest.

Cry if you need to cry and shout if you need to shout.

My first loss dragged on for 3 weeks [between spotting and actual M/c] and I thought I'd never get over it. I did as I had to, and I got through my other losses too. We are stronger than we think and remember that out of darkness will come light

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Ladies, you have all been so lovely and I have taken great comfort in your words xx

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