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How do you all cope with TWW?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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This is my first post, so hello to you all, and its also my first month of TTC having been on the pill non stop for 19 years.....I know its a long time, Im going to be 34 next week, so a little later than some in trying!

Around 18 days into my cycle I experienced very severe cramping, in my ovary area, so presumed I must have ovulated (would be pretty good if I did having been on BCP for so long). Now 3 or 4 days after O, I am having some pretty strange things for going on (strange for me), very very sore nipples (often had breast pain before AF but never sore nipples), Im an emotional wreck, cried 3 times today already over nothing and Im not one for crying even around PMT time, have broken out in spots on my chin, feel like I have a bit of a UI coming on, and have increased creamy CM. For those of you currently ttc, are these all related to AF?

Im convinced that I couldnt possibly be one of the lucky ones to conceive first attempt off the pill (of course Im forever hopeful), but having not had a natural AF for 19 years (since I was 15), im not sure whats going on.

For those of you who have been ttc for a while, how on earth do you cope? This is my first attempt and am already obsessed.....

Any suggestions would be gratefully received, and huge handfuls of baby dust for all of you ttc.


Sounds like af symptoms to me but could also be early pregnancy. You don't usually get any pregnancy symptoms until 7-10 dpo but some people say they get them s bit sooner. I've been ttc for 7 months and it's torture every 2ww! I go crazy symptom spotting. The thing that works for me is not to test and try not to symptom spot. Once I start testing my mind doesn't go off pregnancy. I tell myself each month I can only test if I'm late, failed this month though and tested already :) Good luck with ttc, this site really is amazing, never a question unanswered!
Sounds like you've got lots of pregnant symptoms but they could also be AF symptoms. I have never taken the BCP but many of the symptoms (except the sore nipples) you've mentioned I get around AF time. However, I also experienced this when I was pregnant. How long till testing for you?

Secondly, you can get pregnant just off the BCP. I've known a few women, including a good friend of mine, who got pg within a month of being off the BCP.

How do I cope with the TWW? I don't think about it because I keep myself occupied with other things. This is the first time we're TTC since the m/c in December 2007. I hope that I can hold out this time. Last time I just did things until I was late and then tested. This time it may be torture :shock:

Good luck to you :D
Thanks for the replies, its difficult when you havent had a natural AF for so long to know what the body does naturally.... its the sore nipples thats such a new one for me - they are agony in the evenings.

Due to test around 19th/20th (I think) April, its my birthday on 17th so would be a lovely present. As mentioned this is my first month off the pill, and so its taking a while to get to grips with the different parts of the cycle, and getting to know my body.

Im amazed how little I actually knew about the finer points of "baby making" until I started to try and make one and now must have read every web site & topic, one thing for sure is Im absolutely certain I ovulated on the 8th.

I guess time will tell......good luck to everyone else on their 2ww.

Im so glad I found the site.
Ellie...be cautious with your symptom spotting right now. I was on BCP for 15 years then got a coil for 2 years and had it removed Feb. 20th. This is my 2nd month TTC and I went through exactly what you are now. I am using a fertility monitor, so I knew I ovulated and did the BD.

I do hope you are pg, but be patient with yourself right now. I had every symptom of pg this last month only to find out that my body was regulating to having a drug/coil free cycle and ovulating. Do not be disappointed if you get AF this month. But best of luck hun! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with Sandee. Don't put too much hope on getting pg this month. Yes, there are success stories, but most women experience a long wait after having been on BCP for so long.

By the way, I'm also testing on the 19th :wink:
:wave: welcome to the mad house :D sex will never be the same again :D

coping with the 2ww is hard every month you have hope that you will get a bfp then after days of looking at tests and thinking you see a line only for af to turn up :( its hard not to symptom spot especially if you have never had a proper af for so long so it will be hard for you to tell between them, even for people that have been trying for months its hard for them to tell the difference between af and pregnancy symptoms as they can be the same, i hope you dont have too long to wait for your bfp.

i am in the 2ww just now and i am just about the start painting my bedroom :D to take my mind off it.
So glad I found the site....and didnt realise until I did that there are so many girls out there all feeling the same.

How many of you did BFP forst time trying??? Just out of interest!

My biggest worry is having been on the pill for so long, but the time wasnt right until now, but now Im ready I guess I could be waiting a long time, its not something I really thought about until I decided to stop the pill.

I certainly have lots of things to keep me busy, we moved to France last year and have a HUGE renovation project, plus we are starting a new business here, and I have 2 young puppies (my current substitute babies)..

My cycle was very regular when I went on the pill, but that was so long ago who knows where it will be now.

Having read that after 35 you become less fertile, Im hoping it doesnt take too long, as will be 34 on the 17th April, so only a year before it becomes more difficult (or so they say).

You are right its so hard not to symptom spot and I must have gleamed every site regarding 2ww symptoms. The biggest change I have is the sore nipples and this morning I could hardly even wrap my dressing gown around me they were so painful! I never had AF cramps after going on the pill and its the reason I went on it so young, as I had so many days off school in agony!

Oh well only another week and a bit to go and Ill be put out of my misery, and hoping I wont be so anxious in the coming months, as Im sure it wont happen first time around, so getting myself ready for disappointment.

Good luck to every one testing this month, I really hope you get your BFP's.

Bucket loads of baby dust is being thrown from France around the world!
Well... we were trying from right after we got married back in late June 2007, but when my hubby calculated the exact date I should be ovulating in September 2007 we had sex. Two weeks later... BAM... BFP! Who would have thunk that his calculation was correct? :shock:

Off topic: where in France are you?

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