When and How did you


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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tell work that you were pregnant? Did you wait till you were over 12 weeks? and did you do it verbally or in writing? I think it has to be in writing, but how do you word it? All help appreciated! oh and ive got another 5.5 weeks left till 12 weeks, but just got thinking about it!
The best thing to do is tell your boss verbally which will kick things off. Technically you don't have to tell them until 15 weeks before your due date but most people do it once they have had their dating scan. Sometimes depending on the work you do, or on how sick you are you need to tell earlier so there isn't really a right or wrong.

I told my boss verbally at 12 weeks (personal choice), I've since been given some forms to fill in which notify them officially when I want to start maternity leave etc but I haven't handed them in yet - I plan to next week probably.
Just found this on a UK website which I thought might be helpful!!!!

To give the correct notice, you must let your employer know about your pregnancy by the 15th week before the week that you are expecting your baby (called the Notification Week or the Qualification Week). Work this out by going to the Sunday before your due date (or staying with that date if your baby is due on a Sunday, and counting back another 15 weeks.

During the notification week, you must tell your employer:

• that you are pregnant and intend to go on maternity leave

• that you want to receive Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

• the planned date that you will be starting your maternity leave (which cannot be earlier than 11 weeks before your baby is due).

Then your employer will reply within 28 days, stating the date that the company expects you to return if you take your full leave entitlement.

If you need to change the date, you will have to give 28 days' notice.

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