With our first baby , we both just knew Rhys was the right name from really early on and didn't dicuss it from there, then struggled with a girls name but decided near DDay. He was Rhys Daniel, or would have been Tegan.
With my second he was going to be one of three names , Toby, Bryn or Zack, and we chose Toby, we both had Robyn as our girls name, so used it as our boys middle name spelt Robin.
With my third, we chose Briony, after a fellow female ice hockey player, i met when I was younger, I remember it being a lovely name from a lovely girl and the only time I had heard it! she was Briony Leigh , as I'm a Tommy Lee Jones fan, and it sounded nice, So we have a Briony Leigh Jones (were also Jones).
She was going to be Devon, after the original Knight rider tv series charector.
With my forth (9 years later), we used our boys name, Devon and added Rory (I knew this from comedien Rory Bremner), and if a girl- he would have been a Marina, (from Stingray!) and middle name Penny , a name I used for my pet chicken, but I liked it soo much
I would make a list of names in private, and oh do the same, you have to list top 5 girls and top 5 boys, and then swap lists and see what each other has got, and see if you have duplicate (which then go to the top of a new shortlist), and keep doing this, like adding 5 new names only each, and this way you will start looking more closely at each others names, and talking them through - worked for us