HOW did u agree?!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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now we kno we're definately having a princess, in little more than six weeks (little more than four if she dont turn around- little madam!) we're trying to choose a name. we both did lists but tbh i didnt like ANY of the names on his list, and he wasnt raving about my list! i thought we'd at least agree on SOME we liked!
whats a fair way of choosing when u and baby-daddy hav different tastes?
he suggested flipping a coin, but i dont wanna dislike my own daughter's name! nor do i want her daddy to either!
nnnnnnnnggggghhhhh its really stressful how do u compromise?!
erm, only thing i can suggest hun is getting a baby book on girls names and going through them all, you and your OH and chosing ones you both agree on writing them down then chosing one from the list?

sorry its not much help!
all the names we chose at first we associated with ppl we knew so we wanted a name where we didnt have an idea of someone, so Jamie it was!
Tyler is from Fight Club but we didnt know one of those either lol!
trixi i had exactly the same problem with naming my little girl which resulted in her having no name even 3 weeks after she was born :oops: ! We had loads of arguments over it as we couldnt agree between our lists. Eventually my hubby just let me pick my favourite name (his was Kara which i wasnt too keen on)and he just went with it ,as i did all the hard work :lol: . I told him he could name our next baby whatever he wants. :D
We did what missgobby suggested went through the whole book and then looked what each other had put down!
Get him in a head lock and threaten to use electric nipple tweezers on him if he doesnt agree with what name you pick - that way.. he'll agree on what you pick and learn to love it!!! Problemo solved! :D
maybe u pick one name and he picks a middle name but u have to both have to like the name at least 75% or summit

thank god i didnt have that problem lol
I've been humming and arrrrring the girls name we had chosen, i've been going off it lately so out of the blue i sugested another name today and he immediately agreed, probably because he's seen me hurting so much.

I'm sure you'll find a name you both like :hug:
oldermum said:
I've been humming and arrrrring the girls name we had chosen, i've been going off it lately so out of the blue i sugested another name today and he immediately agreed, probably because he's seen me hurting so much.

I'm sure you'll find a name you both like :hug:

wots the new name?
It is so difficult if you don't agree isn't it trixipaws :hug:
As it happens, after a few months, OH started using the name I originally liked but he wasn't sure of, maybe if you had a week using a name you or he likes, then see how it feels? You'll soon know if it's right for you both or not, and I am sure you'll find your LO's name, and you'll both love it, best wishes :hug:
trixipaws said:
now we kno we're definately having a princess, in little more than six weeks (little more than four if she dont turn around- little madam!) we're trying to choose a name. we both did lists but tbh i didnt like ANY of the names on his list, and he wasnt raving about my list! i thought we'd at least agree on SOME we liked!
whats a fair way of choosing when u and baby-daddy hav different tastes?
he suggested flipping a coin, but i dont wanna dislike my own daughter's name! nor do i want her daddy to either!
nnnnnnnnggggghhhhh its really stressful how do u compromise?!

i just cried and said ''look its me whose carried for nine months and been ripped to shreads - i get to choose the name!!!!''
we decided that if it was a girl i could pick and if it was a boy then OH could pick .. when it was a girl he decided he didnt like the names i wanted so i threatened him as i had been through all the labour and he hadnt had to do nothing :D lol
x sophie x
myonly suggestion is going through a baby book, picking fav names and seeing if any are on both lists. Ifnot oneof you choose the middle name and the other choose the first name

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